Reynolds American Inc.

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Reynolds American inc. (RAI) is the parent company of tobacco company R. J. Reynolds. It is owned by British American Tobacco (BAT).


BAT bought RAI in 2017.12

BAT owned 42.2% of RAI shares from 2004 to 2017.2 In January 2017, BAT announced that it had agreed to acquire the remaining 57.8% stake.3 This acquisition was completed by July 2017. 12

When BAT bought RAI it inherited Vuse e-cigarettes.1

Reynolds also sold its blu e-cigarettes and some of its cigarette brands to Imperial Tobacco (now Imperial Brands).

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  1. abcBritish American Tobacco, BAT completes Acquisition of Reynolds, 25 July 2017, accessed October 2019
  2. abcBritish American Tobacco, Our history – a time-line, undated, accessed February 2023
  3. British American Tobacco, BAT announces agreement to acquire Reynolds, News release 17 January 2017, accessed November 2020