Media investigation – BAT lobbied to amend labels on nicotine pouches in Kenya


An investigation published by The Examination and The Guardian describes how British American Tobacco (BAT) undermined tobacco control laws in Kenya. 

Leaked documents showed that BAT lobbied the Kenyan government to relax regulations on the labelling of nicotine pouches, resulting in a significant reduction in the size of health warnings on the product packaging. BAT appeared to use a threat to withdraw its plans to build a new factory, a common tactic used by tobacco companies. 

The article also reports on the rising popularity of these products among young people in Kenya and their promotion on social media. 

Read the reports:

The Examination: British American Tobacco undermines Kenyan health laws in bid for Gen Z 

The Guardian: How British American Tobacco lobbied Kenya to water down nicotine pouch warnings 

See also: 

Image source: Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance/The Examination

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