Japan Tobacco Group

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Japan Tobacco Group is the parent company of Japan Tobacco, a Japanese tobacco company and Japan Tobacco International, an international tobacco business.1


JT Group’s board includes:2

Call for Shake-up of Japan Tobacco Board

In June 2011, The Children’s Investment Fund (TCI), a hedge fund with a charitable arm that invests in children’s projects worldwide, called for a shake-up of Japan Tobacco. In a letter to Japan’s finance ministry, the majority shareholder in JTI, TCI said poor management of Japan Tobacco’s capital structure by its board and senior executives was “destroying shareholder value”. 3

External Resources

JT Group’s website: http://www.jt.com

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  1. JT Group, International tobacco business, JTG website, 24 June 2011, accessed 20 February 2012
  2. JT Group, Members of the Board, Auditors, and Executive Officers, JTG website, 24 June 2011, accessed 20 February 2012
  3. Michiyo Nakamoto, ‘TCI calls for overhaul at Japan Tobacco’, Financial Times, 9 June, 2011