New STOP report on industry pricing strategies based on TCRG research
STOP has published a new report on industry pricing strategies based on research conducted by Dr. Rob Branston and Dr. Zaineb Sheik of the Tobacco Control Research Group
The Price We Pay: Six Industry Pricing Strategies That Undermine Life-Saving Tobacco Taxes shows how the tobacco industry uses a range of pricing strategies to circumvent and undermine tax policies that are proven to reduce smoking.
Report and summary (also in Indonesian and Urdu) available from
Read the latest TCRG paper:
Tobacco industry pricing strategies in response to excise tax policies: a systematic review, Z.D. Sheikh, J.R. Branston, A.B Gilmore, Tobacco Control, Published Online First: 09 August 2021, doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056630
See also the TobaccoTactics pages: