Centre for European Reform

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The Centre for European Reform (CER) is a London-based think tank ‘devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world’.1 It was a member of the Stockholm Network of free market think tanks until 2009.

Funded by BAT

In 2000, the Centre received a donation of £10,000 from British American Tobacco. 2

In 2011, BAT was a Corporate Member of the Centre. 3 4

PR and Lobbying Firm

In 2012, lobbying firm APCO Worldwide declared an affiliation in the European Transparency Register with the Centre.5

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  1. CER, About, website, undated, accessed April 2012
  2. Claire Booth, “Acknowledgement of Payment”, Letter to Michael Prideau, Director of Government Affairs, BAT, 1 September 2000
  3. EU Transparency Register, BAT, Accessed September 2011
  4. CER, Centre for European Reform Annual Report 2011, website, 2011, accessed December 2020
  5. APCO Worldwide, European Transparency Register, accessed 7 April 2012