Right of Reply
TobaccoTactics.org relies on contributing editors to provide information and data in good faith. All content is monitored by the managing editors. The Right of Reply procedure is set up to report complaints about any material considered defamatory, offensive, inaccurate or otherwise misrepresenting a person or an organisation.
Complaint Procedure
Let us know exactly which information on TobaccoTactics you believe is not factually correct, and explain the potential errors it contains. Please email with as much detail, references and supporting material as possible to:
- Tobacco-Tactics AT bath.ac.uk
We will consider your complaint and – if appropriate – correct the information as soon as possible.
The managing editors of TobaccoTactics might ask for additional information and proof. We will also invite the relevant contributing editors to substantiate their original claim(s).
- Also see: General Disclaimer