Markus Ersmark

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Markus Ersmark is a former Area Manager of the Latin and Central American Region for SMPM International, the now defunct joint venture between Swedish Match and Philip Morris International aimed at globalising snus.

Previously, as Swedish Match’s Online Sales Manager, Ersmark was acclaimed as “one of the first to embrace the snus blogger community and their members”.1

From August 2009 to April 2010, Ersmark and a former colleague directly responded to snus users’ questions about Swedish Match products and snus use in general on an online snus user community called snusCENTRAL. Over a period of eight months, the duo responded to 31 consumer questions, started one thread themselves, and in total posted 56 messages.2 In May 2011 Ersmark hosted a delegation of US and UK snus bloggers for a promotional tour in Stockholm, courtesy of Swedish Match.3

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  1. L. Waters, Congratulations to Markus Ersmark, snusCENTRAL website, 8 March 2012, accessed January 2021
  2. M. Ersmark, J. Blom, Ask Swedish Match, Messages posted from 8 August 2009 to 8 April 2010,, accessed April 2012
  3. M. Hellwig, The most exclusive snus in the world, SnusCENTRAL website, 2 June 2011, accessed January 2021