Joel Nitzkin

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Joel Nitzkin is a public health physician and Chair of the Tobacco Control Task Force of the American Association of Public Health Physicians.
Nitzkin’s research focuses on tobacco harm reduction and he is a strong advocate for e-cigarettes and other noncombustible tobacco products.1 Recently he has been urging the US Food and Drug Administration to classify dissolvable tobacco products as a relatively low risk alternative to cigarettes.2
He has worked extensively with Brad Rodu.

Tobacco Industry Affiliations

Industry events

Joel Nitzkin was a scheduled speaker at the tobacco industry’s TabExpo in Prague, November 2011.3

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  1. E Cigarette Direct, Electronic cigarette interview with Dr Joel Nitzkin, undated, accessed October 2011
  2. Joel Nitzkin, Recommendation to FDA/TPSAC Relative to Dissolvable Tobacco Products, 19 January 2012, accessed 28 March 2012
  3. Tobacco Reporter, Strong Line Up, July 2011, accessed December 2011