Francis Roe

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Francis Roe was a scientific consultant to the Tobacco Advisory Council and British American Tobacco.1
Sharon Boyse, one of BAT’s scientists, referred to Roe in 1991 in response to a proposal to commission Roe as an expert on the proposed EEC health warnings:2

He Roe has been a consultant to BAT for many years. He is certainly an expert in the field of cancer research (though perhaps he has been a private consultant for too long and is too associated with the industry) but he is not an expert on ETS environmental tobacco smoke – there are many who are much more knowledgeable. And Francis will most definitely not argue our position on active smoking very strongly.

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  1. British American Tobacco, Letter from Sharon Boyse to PR Manley regarding tobacco-specific nitrosamines, 30 October 1987, accessed 3 February 2012
  2. British American Tobacco, Letter from Sharon Boyse to Hilary Thompson regarding EEC health warnings, 15 July 1991, accessed 3 February 2012