David Bertram

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David Bertram is an executive with the PR company EUK Consulting.

Working with Philip Morris

He worked for three years as Public Affairs Manager for Philip Morris (UK & Ireland) and three years as Philip Morris International’s Director of Public Affairs for Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 1

Attended TMA Meetings

In the late 1980s, Bertram attended Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association (TMA) meetings on behalf of Philip Morris. 2

Freedom to Smoke Campaign

Bertram also worked on the PR campaign by the tobacco industry to undermine the health campaign on second hand smoke. 3 He was involved in meetings organised by Confederation of European Community Cigarette Manufacturers, (CECCM) on its “Freedom to Smoke” campaign, which included countering arguments on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). 4

Philip Morris’s International Image TaskForce

Bertram was also a member of Philip Morris’s International Image Taskforce. 5

Other Issues

Issues that Bertram worked on included the EU Advertising Ban,6 and youth smoking “prevention” programmes. 7

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  1. EUK Consulting, website, Accessed July 2010
  2. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, Meeting, 21 February 1997, Accessed July 2011
  3. David Bertram, UK Scoth: BMJ Papers, 17 October 1997
  4. Helene Lyberopoulos, Minutes CECCM Freedom to Smoke Meeting, 28 January 1997, 3 February 2007, Accessed July 2011
  5. Philip Morris, Recommendations of the International Image Taskforce, Undated, Access July 2011
  6. David Bertram, EU Ad Ban: Development, Philip Morris Limited, 14 August 1997, Accessed July 2011
  7. Karen Daragan, Two thoughts / confidential, 15 January 2001