Dave Atherton

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Dave Atherton was on the Executive of the Progressive Conservatives from 2010 until 2011. 1 He has also stood as a Conservative Councillor in East London. 2 His Facebook page states that he works at The Freedom Association. 3

Pro-Smoking Activities

Atherton is the Campaign Chairman for Freedom2Choose, a smokers’ rights organisation, and was previously its Parliamentary Liaison Consultant.4
He writes a pro-smoking blog. Atherton has also written blogs for the Institute of Economic Affairs, which attributes the decline in pubs and clubs to the smoking ban.5

Denies Smoking is Addictive

Atherton has argued that “smoking is not an addiction”. 6

Denies Link Between Second-Hand Smoke and Cancer

Atherton has stated that “it now has been proved medically that second-hand smoke does not cause lung cancer”.7

Being Lied to About Second-Hand Smoke and Climate Change

Atherton has also linked the second-hand smoke argument to climate change:

First of all, when it comes to second-hand and third-hand smoke, the fact that scientists are being financially motivated to mislead the general public has enormous implications for freedom in this country. And I draw a parallel with climate change, where scientists who were being paid for by the United Nations or other interested parties have what appears to have blatantly misled people on the effects of climate change. If you can’t get an honest answer out of a scientist who can you get an honest answer out of?

Argues that Plain Packaging will Increase Smuggling

Atherton has reiterated the tobacco industry argument that introducing plain packaging and a display ban will “accelerate” tobacco smuggling. 8
See also the Freedom2Choose Blog.

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  1. Dave Atherton, Dave Atherton, LinkedIn, accessed 28 January 2012.
  2. London Borough of Waltham Forest, Election of Councillors, Leytonstone Ward, 6 May, 2010, Waltham Forest Council Website, accessed June 2011
  3. David Atherton, Facebook page, undated, accessed 18 April 2012
  4. Progressive Conservatives, Executives, David Atherton, in archive.org, 30 August 2010, the domain name progressive-conservatives.org is presently in use by American name-sakes, accessed June 2012
  5. Dave Atherton, “Is the smoking ban to blame for the high rate of pub closures?” IEA Website, 7 September 2010, accessed June 2011
  6. Dave Atherton “Comment in response to the Independent View – Tackling a New Year’s Resolution for the Government”, Liberal Democrat Voice, 23 December 2010
  7. Ecigarette Website, Interview with Atherton, Accessed June 2011
  8. Dave Atherton, Comment in Response to an Article by Donna Edmunds: “A truly progressive Government would lower tobacco duty”, 9 March, 2011