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STOP (Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products) has been producing a regular COVID-19 Monitoring Brief detailing the trends and patterns of tobacco industry behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can now access all of this monitoring data via the Tobacco industry COVID-19 monitoring database on this page.

Discover how the tobacco industry has used Corporate Social Responsibility to protect profits during the pandemic in this TobaccoTactics explainer:


The COVID-19 pandemic is of particular relevance to the tobacco industry due to the nature of the disease. It is a viral infection of the lungs that can be severe and fatal. A host of tobacco-related conditions have been identified as associated risk factors for severe forms of COVID-19, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.=1 and the WHO has found that “smoking is associated with increased severity of disease and death in hospitalized COVID-19 patients”.2 Tobacco products and their associated health risks have therefore received negative attention.3

In addition to the disease itself, the resulting changes in global society, with lockdowns and social distancing imposed across much of the globe, have had cascading economic effects for many industries. As Philip Morris International (PMI) told investors:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant societal and economic disruption, and resulted in closures of stores, factories and offices, and restrictions on manufacturing, distribution and travel, all of which will adversely impact our business, results of operations, cash flows and financial position during the continuation of the pandemic.”.4

Tobacco Industry involvement in COVID-19 science

The science of COVID-19 and smoking is a rapidly evolving area of research. The latest developments are best covered in ‘living reviews’ of the evidence such as The Union’s SCIENTIFIC BRIEF ON SMOKING AND COVID-19 and University College London’s living rapid evidence review or the WHO’s Smoking and COVID-19 Scientific Brief.

The extent of tobacco industry involvement in research into COVID-19 and smoking is still unclear, though there are recorded instances of scientists with historical and contemporary financial links to the tobacco industry publishing COVID-19 related research without declaring these tobacco industry links.5 In such cases the research has tended to relate to the ‘Nicotine Hypothesis’ (see below for more detail) that nicotine offers protection from COVID-19 infection. This hypothesis is supported by research, published primarily on non-peer reviewed preprint publishing platforms such as Qeios, that indicates smokers are less likely to catch COVID-19.6

One such paper, first published without peer review in medRxiv, was later published by the European Respiratory Journal, only to be retracted in March 2021 when the journal became aware that three of the authors, Mier, Sussman and Poulas, had failed to declare their links to the tobacco industry.6 Other large scale population studies, not linked to the tobacco industry, have found that smokers are at increased risk of developing COVID-19 symptoms.7 The current scientific consensus is that smokers with COVID-19 have higher a risk of severe disease and death.8

Influencing the scientific debate, as seen with COVID-19, is an historical tobacco industry tactic. A key aim in influencing science is the creation of doubt around a given topic, be it the impact of second-hand smoke, links to diseases or newly arising public health issues. Calls that ‘more research is needed’ prevent the timely implementation of regulation, draw out the debate and confuse policymakers and the public. The tactic has been employed since its suggestion by PR firm Hill and Knowlton in 1953. Doubt creation is enabled by the commission and funding of research that fits the preferred industry narrative.9 The industry also exerts influence over science by ghost writing articles and research and covertly funding scientists, as was the case with PMI’s White Coat Project, which sought to “restore social acceptability of smoking”.10

Many of these tactics are apparent in the industry response to COVID-19:

  • The PMI funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World has published blogs and surveys on its website that address COVID-19.11 These include a blog that states “there is currently no evidence that smokers who are diagnosed with COVID-19 are more likely to be hospitalized than non-smokers.”12 and another that says “more research needed” before the public is warned about the potential risk factors tobacco products pose for COVID-19.13
  • Scientists sponsored by the FSFW have been involved in COVID-19 research; the aforementioned Konstantinos Poulas has published widely on the ‘Nicotine Hypothesis’ and Riccardo Polosa, another FSFW-sponsored scientists, is to edit a special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) titled “A Public Health View on COVID-19: Epidemiology, Implications and Responses” to be published in November 2021.14 The IJERPH has a track record of publishing research by industry linked scientists without declaring tobacco industry associations.15 There is no evidence that the November 2021 edition will fail to declare conflict of interests.

For information on the science of smoking and COVID-19, and examples of industry influenced research see The Union’s scientific briefs.

Background on the “Nicotine Hypothesis” papers

The “Nicotinic Hypothesis” paper was initially published as a Qeios preprint (an online scientific publication platform where early results are published without peer-review).16 and later in the journal Comptes Rendus Biologies.17 Its lead author was Jean-Pierre Changeux, Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience at the Institut Pasteur, Professor in the chair of Cellular Communications at the Collège de France and Honorary President of the Neuroscience Department at Institut Pasteur.18 Prof Changeux has, among many funders in his long and distinguished career, historic links with the tobacco industry:

  • Le Monde reported that between 1995 and 1998 he received grants amounting to US$220,000 from the Council for Tobacco Research,19 having approached the Council for funding. 20. The council had been exposed in 1993 in the Wall Street Journal as being tool for tobacco industry misinformation21.
  • In the late 1990s he became a “key collaborator” for Targacept, a pharmaceutical subsidiary of the tobacco company RJ Reynolds created to synthesise molecules for Alzheimer and Parkinson disease drugs. 22
  • In 2006/2007 he supervised and co-authored studies funded by Philip Morris International.23 24

There is no suggestion that the “Nicotine Hypothesis” paper was funded by the tobacco industry or that Prof Changeux has any current tobacco industry links.

Tobacco industry participation in vaccine development

The industry has investments in biotechnology companies and pharmaceuticals, some of which are involved in COVID-19 vaccine development. This includes BAT subsidiary Kentucky Bioprocessing and PMI subsidiary Medicago. These investments are part of the tobacco industry’s business strategy as well as making tobacco companies appear “part of the solution”.25 and may represent “one of the most successful corporate public relations strategies ever mounted by a tobacco company.” according to tobacco control experts Cohen and Chapman.26

For examples of tobacco industry involvement in vaccine development see the COVID-19 monitoring database and Tobacco Company Investments in Pharmaceutical & NRT Products page. The examples in the database are taken from our COVID-19 monitoring briefs published since April 2020.

Targeted donations and corporate social responsibility

The tobacco industry has long used “corporate social responsibility” (CSR), as a strategy to gain legitimacy, increase public trust and advance its business interests. Tobacco companies invest in wide range of causes, including sustainability, environmental and human rights NGOs, universities and art institutions. The WHO denounces tobacco industry CSR involvement as “an inherent contradiction”. Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) explicitly bans such activity and its promotion.27

CSR is also used as a strategy by tobacco companies to facilitate access to policymakers, break down opposition and promote voluntary regulation.28

The tobacco industry makes a point of announcing donations made in the wake of disasters around the world. Targeted donations such as these have been critiqued as “crisis-washing” (similar to “greenwashing”) the actions of corporations, like tobacco companies, whose business actively produces social and health harms.29 The outbreak of COVID-19 is no exception to the tobacco industry’s historic attempts to take advantage of disasters to promote its own CSR agenda and products.

For examples of targeted donations and CSR from the tobacco industry during the pandemic see the COVID-19 monitoring database. These examples are taken from our COVID-19 monitoring briefs published since April 2020.

Neglect of tobacco workers

The safety of tobacco workers in factories, tobacco farms, auctions and markets has been questioned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased pressure and interference from the tobacco industry to reopen factories, or to persist with production against the advice of health authorities, has increasingly placed their staff at risk. This has resulted in quarantines, positive COVID-19 tests and deaths. STOP, ASH US and GGTC have all spoken out on the risks to tobacco workers during the pandemic.30

For examples of tobacco worker’s rights violations during the pandemic see the COVID-19 monitoring database. These examples are taken from our COVID-19 monitoring briefs published since April 2020.

Policy interference, lobbying and delayed regulation

As governments have looked to introduce different regulations on tobacco products to reduce smoking prevalence, so the tobacco industry has fought to delay or derail such initiatives. If regulations are proposed then the industry will use a variety of arguments to argue that they are not necessary, will cost jobs, will be counter-productive or are illegal. The fall-back position is often that such regulations should be voluntary and written in conjunction with the industry, even though that is in violation of Article 5.3.

Once the regulations have been introduced then the industry will look to undermine their effectiveness by questioning what benefits they bring, seek legal challenges or use the legislative process to amend them.31 A good example of this are the regulations on plain packaging introduced by a number of countries.

The industry has deployed the same tactics in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The industry and its allies have challenged classifications of “essential” business and lobbied for shops and factories to remain open and for cigarette production to continue during the pandemic. Tobacco companies have also lobbied governments to reverse regulatory decisions to ban cigarette sales under international COVID-19 lockdowns and successfully delayed major tobacco control measures.

For examples of lobbying, policy and regulation interference from the tobacco industry during the pandemic see the COVID-19 monitoring database. These examples are taken from our COVID-19 monitoring briefs published since April 2020.

For further information on tobacco bans and regulation see GGTC’s country list of bans.

TI brand marketing during the pandemic

Tobacco companies have used the COVID-19 pandemic as a marketing opportunity to promote their brands via social media promotion and CSR.323334 

For examples of tobacco industry brand marketing during the pandemic see here. These examples are taken from our COVID-19 monitoring briefs published in the 12 months since April 2020.

Tobacco industry business

Like most businesses, the pandemic has been a turbulent time for the tobacco industry. Early shutdowns of all but essential industries impacted tobacco companies and lead to lobbying in Brazil and Russia to reopen tobacco factories. In South Africa the ban on tobacco and alcohol between April and August 2020 impacted sales and resulted in a court case between BAT and the government. Calls to tax the industry to pay for the health costs of the pandemic also had the potential to affect tobacco profits.35 PMI in its 2020 Q1 earnings report was concerned that “messaging about the potential negative impacts of the use of our products on COVID-19 risks may lead to increasingly restrictive regulatory measures on the sale and use of our products”. Despite these concerns, PMI’s end of year results reported a “robust 2020 performance” of sales volume being down and that the “negative COVID impact on industry volumes [would] reverse over 2021-22”.36

For more examples of how tobacco industry business has been impacted during COVID-19 see the COVID-19 monitoring database. These examples are taken from our COVID-19 monitoring briefs published since April 2020.

Tobacco industry COVID-19 monitoring database

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PMI donating ventilators

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Greece

BAT Bangladesh donating PPE and hand sanitiser

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Bangladesh

Producing PPE

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI and Parallax

Country(s): USA and Canada

Donated 400 face masks to Cavite hospital

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMFTC

Country(s): Philippines

Donated hand sanitiser and face masks

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Nigeria

Partnered with companies to produce 300,000 litres of hand sanitiser

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Kenya

Donated 100,000 hand gels

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Georgia

Donated $2.1million Reias to invest in actions to address coronavirus and 600 litres of sanitising alcohol

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Brazil

Donated €1million to Red Cross in Romania

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Romania

Donated 320,000 leva for medicines and protective equipment

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Bulgaria

Johann Rupert contributed R1 billion to SA government for small businesses

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT and FMF

Country(s): South Africa

Donated ₹25 lakh to India government for COVID-19 relief

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Deccan Tobacco Company

Country(s): India

State-run tobacco company donated $1million to COVID-19 relief

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Regie

Country(s): Lebanon

Rwandan businessman, owner of Meridian Tobacco Company and Chair of the Pan African Tobacco Group donated money to Ugandan government for COVID-19 relief

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Meridian Tobacco Company and Pan African Tobacco Group

Country(s): Uganda

A regional governor has requested pandemic donations from BAT

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Nigeria

JTI donated money to a hardship fund for independent retailers

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): UK

Vinataba donated money and equipment to the Vietnam Heart Institute at Bach Mai Hospital

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Vinataba

Country(s): Vietnam

Indian Tobacco Company delivering their food brands to homes

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Indian Tobacco Company

Country(s): India

BAT highlighted it’s CSR and COVID-19 work plan in an open letter to the public from Chief Executive Jack Bowles

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

Altria highlighted their COVID-19 CSR and general organisational plans in an Annual General Meeting

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Altria

Country(s): Global

PMI highlighted their COVID-19 CSR and general organisational plans in an Annual General Meeting, including reported over $30 million in CSR donations

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Global

PMI donated 40,000 N95 face masks to the government

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Costa Rica

Donated $82,0000 worth of COVID-19 test kits to Indonesia

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): South Korean Tobacco Company and KT&G

Country(s): Indonesia

Donated $90,000 to COVID-19 relief efforts in Kentucky, USA

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Altria

Country(s): USA

Donated over $150,000 to Turkish COVID-19 relief funds

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Turkey

Donated over $650,000 to Turkish COVID-19 relief funds

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Turkey

PMI Sampoerna in Indonesia, where factory workers died from COVID-19, have been donating to local pandemic relief via an NGO: The Social Transformation and Public Awareness Foundation (STAPA) Center

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI Sampoerna

Country(s): Indonesia

In Kentucky, Altria (aka Philip Morris USA) have donated $35,000 to community support group United Way, stating that “The funds are part of a $1 million commitment by Altria to address emergent needs in its headquarters community of Richmond, Virginia, and its other manufacturing and grower communities.”

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Altria

Country(s): USA

Following accusations of exploiting the pandemic through CSR donations, both PMI and Imperial Tobacco have responded by saying they were asked to donate ventilators in Greece and Ukraine, that such donations are not a breach of the WHO FCTC (article 5.3 of the FCTC specifically addresses industry social responsibility) and that they are not promoting donations to the public, despite evidence to the contrary

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI and Imperial Tobacco

Country(s): Greece and Ukraine

Bangalore public officials publicly thanked Indian Tobacco Company Limited (ITC) for their lockdown deliveries of ITC food products

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Indian Tobacco Company

Country(s): India

South Korean tobacco company KT&G have donated a total of 7,600 COVID-19 diagnostic kits to Russia and Turkey

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): KT&G

Country(s): Russia and Turkey

Reemtsma, a subsidiary of Imperial Tobacco, has paid for accommodation for 250 homeless people in Hamburg, Germany

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Imperial Tobacco subsidiary Reemtsma

Country(s): Germany

JTI donated 150,000 USD worth of PPE supplies to schools and clinics

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Zambia

PMI has donated medical supplies to a hospital in Jalisco, Mexico, with government Trade and Health ministers present during the donation event

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Mexico

A report by The Niche Newspaper, Nigeria details the marketing and CSR campaigns by tobacco companies to take advantage of the pandemic and compares the tactic to industry behaviour during the Ebola epidemic

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Nigeria

Academic research by Girvalaki et al. from the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, details the industries CSR activity in Europe, describing it as a ‘trojan horse’, urging governments to uphold Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Europe

WHO has launched a programme to help 1.3 billion people quit during COVID-19. The programme began in Jordan with donations of 37,800 nicotine patches from Johnson and Johnson

Monitoring Period: 28 June 2020 - 10 July 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #7

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): WHO and Johnson and Johnson

Country(s): Jordan

PMI, along with 10 other partners including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have launched a campaign to raise awareness of the trade in fraudulent personal protective equipment for COVID-19. They cite their experience in combatting the illicit tobacco trade as reason for involvement. The industry, including PMI, has a history of profiting from tobacco smuggling and attempting to control tobacco track and trace programmes

Monitoring Period: 28 June 2020 - 10 July 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #7

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Global

In Zambia, a local leader has publicly thanked JTI for its recent donation of US$ 150,000

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Zambia

A COVID-19 testing scheme in the Philippines is being partly funded by Universal Leaf , supplier of tobacco to PMI in the Philippines

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Universal Leaf and PMI

Country(s): Philippines

BAT is promoting its partnership with McLaren Racing by praising McLaren’s production of ventilators and medical supplies during COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

PMI stated that it has donated over US$30 million during the crisis

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Global

In Egypt, PMI have reported donations of COVID-19 medical supplies worth roughly US$120,000

Monitoring Period: 22 September 2020 - 26 October 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #10

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Egypt

Angolan tobacco manufacturer Barco Trading Company (Angola) and the Pan Africa Tobacco Group have been promoting their COVID-19 CSR conducted in collaboration with Angolan authorities

Monitoring Period: 22 September 2020 - 26 October 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #10

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Barco Trading Company and Pan Africa Tobacco Group

Country(s): Angola

A PMI funded COVID-19 field hospital in Brazil has closed due to a lack of use

Monitoring Period: 22 September 2020 - 26 October 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #10

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Brazil

PMI Vietnam have said they champion female leadership in the company during COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Vietnam

Shehzad Munim, Managing Director of BAT Bangladesh, has promoted the company in a local newspaper interview, saying they protected workers jobs and maintained cigarette supply to customers

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Bangladesh

PMI continue to use the pandemic as a greenwashing opportunity, taking part in the Asia Sustainability Conference to discuss improving air quality and cutting down carbon emissions. PMI’s Head of Environmental Sustainability spoke about the company’s commitment to climate action, inspired by the pandemic, saying that PMI aims to make all its factories carbon neutral by 2030

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Global

At the 35th General Meeting of the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA) online event its president highlighted the importance of partnerships with tobacco companies for the sustainability of the tobacco sector and the protection of the supply chain (especially given the global pandemic). Representative from JTI and BAT took part in the event

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT, JTI and ITGA

Country(s): Global

According to a major Greek news company, the Greek Government approached the "big tobacco industry" asking for donations to cover the lack of 5 millon needles and other consumables related to the COVID vaccine

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Government and Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Greece

BAT Bangladesh was awarded the Supply Chain Collaboration and Partnering award at the Bangladesh Supply Chain Excellence Awards 2020 for their pandemic crisis projects aimed at enhancing tobacco farmers livelihood, loss analysis of distributers and suppliers, and partnering with the government for capacity building

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Bangladesh

Imperial Tobacco Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of BAT, in response to the ongoing province-wide shut down in Québec sent out “wellness boxes” to employees and has organised “Meal Prep Mondays” and “Wellness Wednesdays” to provide support for employees working from home. Imperial Tobacco Canada has been recognised as one of Montreal’s Top Employers in 2021

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT subsidiary Imperial Tobacco Canada

Country(s): Canada

The state-owned tobacco enterprise Libanaise Des Tabacs Et Tombacs (Regie) provided respiratory assist devices to its employees, and their dependents, infected with COVID

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Regie

Country(s): Lebanon

BAT gave a presentation on its preliminary results for 2020 stating it was “supporting communities with testing equipment, 3D printers, & medical & hygiene equipment” and “partnering with leaf growing communities to support water supply and sanitation” through the pandemic

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

BAT has warned of a combined 7% drop in sales volume of cigarette and heated tobacco products in response to COVID-19. The company highlighted strict lockdown measures in Mexico, Argentina and South Africa as being particularly damaging to business alongside reduced sales in airports

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

Industry profits in emerging cigarette markets have been particularly affected by the pandemic, such as in Bangladesh and Vietnam

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Bangladesh and Vietnam

These findings mirror fears about declines in sales including duty free sales reported by PMI at its AGM and predictions made about the potential impact of the pandemic on PMI/the tobacco industry

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Global

The global Heated Tobacco Products market is predicted to grow despite the COVID-19 pandemic, with positive impacts for the major tobacco companies. Analysis from suggests that “aggressively promoting” HTP products as low risk is proving a successful strategy during the pandemic period

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Global

In the USA, the Federal Reserve bought $428 million in corporate bonds from companies including PMI as part of its COVID-19 recovery plan

Monitoring Period: 28 June 2020 - 10 July 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #7

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): PMI and Federal Reserve

Country(s): USA

BAT stocks have been performing very well, with a report saying “the pandemic hasn’t made much if any difference.”

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

BAT sales are up 22% in Zimbabwe, compared to this time last year, despite 3% drop in sales volume and economic struggles for the country and Zimbabwean tobacco farmers

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Zimbabwe

BAT has reported reduced profits due to COVID-19. In Malaysia profits dropped by 23% in the third quarter of 2020, compared to last year. BAT blamed COVID-19 and illicit tobacco trade.

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Malaysia

In Zimbabwe, BAT reported an 8% decline in sales compared to September 2019

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Zimbabwe

After the tobacco ban was lifted in South Africa in August 2020, research found the market share of BAT, JTI and PMI tobacco manufacturers had fallen

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT, JTI and PMI

Country(s): South Africa

According to officials of Tax Justice South Africa (TJSA), there were six tobacco brands that saw sales soar past the ‘one-million-per-day’ mark during the ban

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): South Africa

Tobacco companies including PMI, JTI, Imperial Brands and Altria Group all raised their sales or profit targets, saying the industry had done better than expected in 2020 mostly in US and EU

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): PMI, JTI, Imperial Brands, Altria

Country(s): USA and Europe

BAT has boosted its revenue outlook for 2020 after COVID-19 had a smaller than expected hit on cigarette demand globally

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

Imperial tobacco reported an increase in revenue from cigarettes due to increased smoking rates during the pandemic

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): Imperial Brands

Country(s): Global

The COVID pandemic has been blamed for a 25% drop in cigarette sales in Mexico by BAT executive. The article does not quote official public health sources and promotes IQOS products

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Mexico

Data released by the Ministry of Finance shows tobacco sales fell by a third in the Spanish Balearic Islands due to the State of Emergency and drop in tourists

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Spain

BATSA has stated its sales have rebounded following the lifting of restrictions in August from the South African five-month tobacco ban

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

In the UK, cigarette sales increased by 7% to £12.4bn during lockdown, despite an estimated 1m people quitting smoking

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): UK

BAT Malaysia’s managing director Johnathon Reed has said the company’s performance continues to be undermined by high illicit cigarette volumes and a growth of the illicit vaping market

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Malaysia

PMI used the pandemic to push its heated tobacco product, IQOS, partnering with a delivery app to get the product to people in lockdown

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Russia

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids have been investigating and reporting instances of tobacco companies using the lockdown and stay at home advice to promote their brands on social media

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): CTFK

Country(s): Global

BAT’s Glo face masks worn by influencers on social media in Kazakhstan

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Kazakhstan

CTFK reports that PMI has referred to COVID-19 on social media to promote special offers and home delivery on its vape products “in at least 18 countries (Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK, and Ukraine)”.

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Global

A report was published on how “The tobacco industry takes advantage of a pandemic despite selling a product that aggravated COVID-19”, which details PMI and BAT social media campaigns promoting deals and free trials on their vape products

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): BAT and PMI

Country(s): Mexico

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project published its Pandering to a Pandemic report which details PMI’s attempts to use the pandemic as a marketing opportunity for products like IQOS, employing social media promotion and CSR

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): OCCRP and PMI

Country(s): Global

Ethos, a Mexican think tank, published this report on tobacco company marketing during COVID-19, including illegal 80% discounts on products and the industries involvement in the science of COVID-19 and smoking

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): Ethos

Country(s): Mexico

PMFTC (Philippine affiliate of PMI) is using the pandemic to pursue business transformation and provide smokers with non-combustible alternatives through the ‘Unsmoke Pilipinas’ campaign, launched in July 2019

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Philippines

A group of U.S. lawmakers sent letters to BAT and PMI alleging they attempted to “profit off the back of a global health crisis”. The letter states tobacco companies promoted their products during COVID-19 on social media platforms popular with young adults by offering free gifts like hand sanitiser, toilet paper and masks. Some ads pitched nicotine products as good for stress relief during Covid-19

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Brand Marketing

Organisation(s): BAT and PMI

Country(s): Global

The industry has used the pandemic as a chance to criticise public health organisations such as the WHO, often through third parties

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Policy Interference

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Global

WHO has in turn cautioned governments against working with Big Tobacco

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Policy Interference

Organisation(s): WHO

Country(s): Global

Called for vape shops to remain open

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): UKVIA

Country(s): UK

PMI and other industry funding has been linked to much of the pro-vaping pandemic response, with particular criticism from the industry and its allies levelled at New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Professor Stanton Glantz of the Center for Tobacco Research Control & Education at UCSF

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): USA

Tobacco control advocates have called on the President to impose tobacco product restrictions in response to the pandemic, asking ask for a restriction on industry donations and an increase in tobacco tax and prices

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Tobacco Control Advocates

Country(s): Indonesia

Tobacco was listed as ‘essential’ and the New Zealand Imperial factory remains open

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Imperial

Country(s): New Zealand

Some Indian states have banned chewing and spitting tobacco, backed up by harsh jail sentences. The sale of tobacco has also been banned nationally

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): India

Russia halted tobacco manufacturing. This prompted lobbying from the big four tobacco companies, arguing that it would lead to a growth in illicit trade

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Russia

National government banned all tobacco sales early in the crisis, with some local restrictions being lifted in response to lobbying from industry advocates and BAT, again using the ‘illicit’ argument

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Lobbying, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT and Government

Country(s): South Africa

PMI successfully lobbied to reopen its factory, despite evidence of black-market tax avoidance and an initial restriction on tobacco sales

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Lobbying, Regulation

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Pakistan

PMI maintained cigarette production in Brazil (Santa Cruz do Sol), to avoid “compromising the business”, despite a decree banning non-essential industrial manufacture

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Brazil

42 associations sent a letter to the President of Indonesia urgently appealing to strengthen COVID-19 response by enforcing stronger tobacco control measures

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Tobacco Control

Organisation(s): Tobacco Control Advocates

Country(s): Indonesia

Lobbying the government to remove tobacco from the essential goods list

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Tobacco Control

Organisation(s): Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance

Country(s): Kenya

An open letter was sent to the UN Secretary General signed by over 50 tobacco control groups highlighting the importance of the WHO FCTC and the need to challenge tobacco industry CSR and lobbying in response to tobacco bans

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Tobacco Control

Organisation(s): Tobacco Control Advocates

Country(s): Global

Tobacco manufacture has been halted. The Finance Secretary said he would not relax restrictions on tobacco and alcohol sales during lockdown, after it was suggested that the government was missing out on sin tax revenue due to reduced sales

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Tobacco Industry

Country(s): Philippines

Published a letter in local newspapers calling for their factories to reopen. Restrictions were lifted on May 10 and the company claimed it could restock the nation within one week

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Lobbying, Regulation

Organisation(s): PMI subsidiary Massalin Particulares

Country(s): Argentina

Following BAT’s cessation of legal action, The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) has paused court proceedings against the South African government

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT and FITA

Country(s): South Africa

JTI has joined other industry members in urging the government to reconsider its tobacco ban

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): South Africa

The government announced a continuation of the ban as they move in to ‘level 3 lockdown’, with the Minister of Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, defending the decision in her response to the Fair-Trade Independent Tobacco Association’s (FITA) application to suspend the ban

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT and FITA

Country(s): South Africa

The FITA have said its legal challenge will be heard on the 9th and 10th June. BAT have announced they will be going to court to challenge the extension of the ban and are supported by JTI

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT and FITA

Country(s): South Africa

The Vapour Products Association of South Africa (VPSA) has also criticised the continued ban

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): VPSA

Country(s): South Africa

The tobacco control group, PROGGA in Bangladesh has reported tobacco companies successfully lobbying the Ministry of Industries to reject a suggested tobacco ban proposed by the Health and Family Welfare Ministry. The Ministry of Industries had initially agreed to the Health and Family Welfare Ministry request that companies suspend tobacco production during the pandemic

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): PROGGA

Country(s): Bangladesh

In St. Petersburg, Russia, PMI, BAT and JTI have resumed production after lobbying Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin, to include tobacco on the list of essential items during lockdown

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): BAT, JTI and PMI

Country(s): Russia

In the United Arab Emirates, the Federal Tax Authority has delayed bans on water pipe, tobacco and e-cigarettes without digital tax stamps to 2021 in response to stakeholder pressure citing COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): Federal Tax Authority

Country(s): UAE

The court case challenging the controversial tobacco ban brought by the Fair-Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) against the government began on 9th June in Pretoria. Minister of Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, said the ban was imposed to “protect human life and health and to reduce the potential strain on the health care system” and was informed by evidence indicating worse outcomes for smokers with COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

FITA have accused the government of failing to consider the implications of such a ban and alongside pro-vape groups, claimed that the ban has bolstered the illicit cigarette trade in South Africa. Exaggeration of illicit trade numbers is a familiar industry tactic, however there has been independent reporting of some increased illicit trade in response to the ban

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Illicit Trade

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

There have been protests at the gates of parliament by those angry with the ban

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

The Guateng High Court in Pretoria dismissed the case brought by the Fair Trade Tobacco Association (FITA) against the tobacco ban. The ban remains in place

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

Judge Mlambo said that they were persuaded by Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s arguments that cigarettes are “plainly not food, cleaning and hygiene products, fuel and clearly not medical products. They would constitute ‘essential goods’ only if they could be considered ‘basic goods’ akin to airtime and electricity,” Dlamini Zuma argues that the ban was necessary to protect the health care system. FITA will appeal the decision

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

BAT South Africa is also going to court to challenge the ban, arguing that there have been negative economic impacts and an increase in illicit trade. BAT’s court date has been postponed from June 30 to August 5. BAT described the delay as “inexplicable” amid concerns that smokers will switch to cheaper brands if a recession hits

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

Border patrols between South Africa and Zimbabwe have been increased to combat the rise in cigarette smuggling occurring across the border. Illicit trade expert, ex-South African Revenue Service lawyer, Telita Snyckers, has said “What seems to be the case is that 25% of the current illicit market during the lockdown is being supplied by BAT (British American Tobacco),”. Historically the industry uses smuggling to supply restricted markets

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Illicit Trade

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa and Zimbabwe

The decision to ease COVID-19 restrictions on tobacco waterpipe use by the Minister for Tourism and reportedly encouraged by the hospitality sector has been met by disagreement and a petition against the decision signed by doctors, lawyers and other professionals

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Lebanon

Following the Pretoria High Court’s decision to uphold the South African government’s tobacco ban, the Fair Trade Tobacco Association (FITA) is seeking to appeal the judgement at the Supreme Court of Appeal. The Pretoria High Court will hear the appeal on July 15

Monitoring Period: 28 June 2020 - 10 July 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #7

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

In the USA, in response to the Stanford e-cigarette study, lawmakers have urged the FDA to consider a temporary ban on e-cigarettes during the pandemic

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): FDA

Country(s): USA

Spain has banned smoking in public spaces where social distancing is not possible. These measure were initially put in place in Galicia and the Canary Islands and then applied nation-wide. Industry representatives ‘Mesa del Tabaco’, have come out against the restrictions, citing lack of evidence of its effectiveness

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Spain

BAT South Africa’s legal challenge was heard on August 5th, 2020. The company argued that the regulation was a restriction on consumer rights and free trade, whereas Dlamini-Zuma argued that they were protecting the healthcare system

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

The ban was lifted on August 17th, 2020 as lockdown entered ‘level 2'

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): South Africa

The FITA are continuing to pursue their Supreme Court appeal despite the ban now being lifted

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

In Bhutan, a ban on tobacco products that was first introduced in 2010 has been lifted “to temper demand for smuggled cigarettes”.

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Bhutan

Japan Tobacco International (JTI) is calling for “stiffer sanctions” against illicit tobacco trade in the Philippines. The company claims tobacco smuggling has increased during COVID-19. This may be a tactic to counter regulation damaging to the tobacco industry

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Illicit Trade

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Philippines

In South Africa, the Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) said it would withdraw its legal case against the government if the government pledged that a tobacco sales ban will not return. Minister DlaminiZuma has said they cannot make this promise. However, the government has declared that any future COVID-19 related tobacco bans will include a public consultation

Monitoring Period: 22 September 2020 - 26 October 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #10

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): FITA

Country(s): South Africa

Japan Tobacco International (JTI) executives speaking at the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum have said illicit tobacco trade in Europe has increased during the pandemic and argued against higher tobacco taxes in Russia, claiming that tax increases encourage smuggling. The data comes from “field reports” conducted by JTI themselves

Monitoring Period: 22 September 2020 - 26 October 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #10

Tactic(s): Policy Interference

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Europe and Russia

BAT Bangladesh has been lobbying government agencies to prevent pandemic related regulation during COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Lobbying

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Bangladesh

Turkey has introduced a ban on smoking in many outdoor public spaces in response to the pandemic. They cite damage to health and crowding together of smokers with no masks as reasons for the ban

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Turkey

North Korea has announced a similar ban on smoking in public “keeping in mind the hygiene of people amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” The country has not officially reported any COVID-19 deaths

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): North Korea

JTI Malaysia has said tax increases on tobacco products should not happen for at least 2 years, arguing that higher tax will increase the illicit trade in cigarettes. JTI used a similar argument in the Philippines, saying that smuggling has increased during COVID-19. JTI representatives were present at the destruction of smuggled cigarettes at a Filipino port alongside local officials. Historically, JTI themselves have been involved in tobacco smuggling operations

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Illicit Trade

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Malaysia and Philippines

On 11 December 2020 the Western Cape High Court in South Africa ruled the tobacco sales ban during the COVID-19 lockdown was unconstitutional and unnecessary, after British American Tobacco South Africa (BATSA) took the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) to Court in May

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

The South African Government to appeal court ruling that tobacco ban was unconstitutional. The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) has said the government’s appeal against the tobacco ban ruling may not lead to a further sales ban

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): South Africa

BATSA intend to oppose the government’s application for leave to appeal the recent High Court judgement which found the tobacco ban during COVID lockdown to be unnecessary

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

The Tax Justice South Africa (TJSA) stated that South Africa lost over R5bn in taxes

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): South Africa

The outdoor smoking ban in Mallorca was relaxed in December 2020, but smokers will have to keep 2m social distancing rule. The smoking ban in hotels, restaurants and bars remains in place

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Spain

The Assam Government in India has extended their tobacco ban for another year in response to COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): India

Dartmouth College in the U.S announced a campus-wide ban on use of tobacco and vaping products in both indoor and outdoor spaces. The College President cited “growing evidence” of the link between tobacco use and a variety of life-threatening diseases, such as COVID-19, as one reason the policy was implemented

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Dartmouth College

Country(s): USA

A National Income Dynamics Study in South Africa has shown that the government lost R5.8bn in tobacco excise taxes during the 20-week ban period

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): South Africa

British American Tobacco South Africa (BATSA) has warned the government that the 8% double inflation increase in tobacco excise tax is a “dangerous mistake” given the growing illicit tobacco trade. The South African Tobacco Transformation Alliance (SATTA) also argued that illegal tobacco traders will profit from this increase in excise tax

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Illicit Trade

Organisation(s): BAT and South African Tobacco Transformation Alliance

Country(s): South Africa

The South African High Court has granted Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs government minister, leave to appeal the adverse ruling on the tobacco ban which found it unconstitutional and invalid

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): South Africa

BATSA stated it was “disappointed, but not surprised” the government was granted leave to appeal the court ruling that the tobacco ban was unconstitutional. BATSA said the government should use the money it will spend on the appeal on fighting the COVID pandemic and illicit tobacco trade instead

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Policy Interference, Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

Chhattisgarh state in India has made a legal amendment to the 2004 Kopta Act and banned tobacco consumption for youth under 21 years old

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): India

Two workers at the PMI Sampoerna factory have died of COVID-19. Manufacturing has been suspended and other workers quarantined

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): PMI Sampoerna

Country(s): Indonesia

Tobacco workers unions have called to postpone the tobacco marketing season to avoid putting workers at risk of infection

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): Tobacco Worker Unions

Country(s): Zimbabwe

500 staff from PMI’s Sampoerna factory were placed under quarantine following the deaths of two tobacco workers and the positive testing of a further 63. Health authorities have recalled cigarettes produced in the factory

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): PMI Sampoerna

Country(s): Indonesia

Continued production at the Pakistan Tobacco Company factory has resulted in 89 positive COVID-19 cases

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): BAT subsidiary Pakistan Tobacco Company

Country(s): Pakistan

STOP, ASH US and GGTC have all spoken out on the risk to tobacco workers during the pandemic, as reported in an article that summarises cases of worker COVID-19 exposure in Pakistan and internationally

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): Tobacco Control Advocates

Country(s): Global

51 workers in South Korean tobacco company KT&G’s Indonesian factory tested positive for COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): KT&G

Country(s): Indonesia

In Malawi, tobacco farmers say their earnings have fallen because they are not allowed to attend auctions and negotiate prices due to COVID-19 restrictions. The farmers associations that represent them at auction disagree, saying they operate fairly. Tobacco is a major cash crop in Malawi. The industry has a history of pushing a narrative of support for farmers whilst in reality farmers remain impoverished

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): Tobacco Worker Unions

Country(s): Malawi

The Tobacco Free Association of Zambia investigated farming practices at farms supplying Japan Tobacco International and found dangerous practices, with a lack of COVID-19 precautions and children exposed to dangerous pesticides and green tobacco. This investigation was reported on by STOP, highlighting that JTI has tried to improve its public image during the pandemic via CSR donations. Subsequent outreach to media in Zambia has resulted in stories countering JTI’s CSR narrative

Monitoring Period: 13 June 2020 - 27 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #6

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Zambia

In Andhra Pradesh, India, the State government is buying tobacco straight from farmers to support them as they suffer delays in auctions and reduced prices during COVID-19

Monitoring Period: 28 June 2020 - 10 July 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #7

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): State Government

Country(s): India

In the Philippines the National Tobacco Administration has called for cigarette manufacturers to increase their buying of local tobacco over foreign growers “to boost the industry and benefit local growers amid the pandemic.” JTI have said they will increase local purchases

Monitoring Period: 22 September 2020 - 26 October 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #10

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): JTI

Country(s): Philippines

Vietnam Tobacco Corporation released PR campaign promoting the work they have done throughout 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID and ensure production and stability of jobs for their employees

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): Vietnam Tobacco Corporation

Country(s): Vietnam

BAT gave a presentation on its preliminary results for 2020 stating they had ensured “COVID-secure workplace measures in all markets” and that “no employees [were] made redundant or furloughed due to COVID crisis”

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Tobacco Workers

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Global

BAT (through its subsidiary Kentucky BioProcessing) are involved in coronavirus vaccine development, using tobacco plants as viral particle ‘factories'

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

PMI (40% share in Medicago) are involved in coronavirus vaccine development, using tobacco plants as viral particle ‘factories'

Monitoring Period: 20 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #1

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

BAT’s Kentucky BioProcessing moves to animal testing of vaccine

Monitoring Period: 17 April 2020 - 1 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #2

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

BAT’s Kentucky BioProcessing say it is ready for human trials of its COVID-19 vaccine

Monitoring Period: 1 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #3

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

BAT General Manager, Felicio Ferraz, says Kentucky BioProcessing have submitted a Pre-Investigative New Drug package to the US FDA and highlights BAT’s CSR donations in the UK, Brazil, Kenya, Bangladesh and USA

Monitoring Period: 15 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #4

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

Biotech company Medicago, who are 40% PMI owned, announced positive results from animal trials of their COVID-19 vaccine

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

BAT’s Kentucky BioProcessing is looking to governments for support in terms of drug approval and manufacture for their vaccine development programme

Monitoring Period: 30 May 2020 - 12 June 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #5

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

Pharmaceutical company GSK has partnered with 40% PMI owned Medicago to assist in producing Medicago’s plant synthesised COVID-19 vaccine. GSK is aiming to make the vaccine available in the first half of 2021. PMI is now “evaluat[ing] offers for its shareholding from parties that may be better suited to help Medicago on the next phase of its journey” according to a statement on the Medicago website

Monitoring Period: 28 June 2020 - 10 July 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #7

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

BAT announced they applied for FDA approval for their Kentucky BioProcessing COVID-19 vaccine in July, and human trials may begin within weeks

Monitoring Period: 11 July 2020 - 20 August 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #8

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

A Thai COVID-19 vaccine synthesised using tobacco plants has proved successful in animal trials. This programme is not related to the tobacco industry, but the research may be of interest to tobacco companies

Monitoring Period: 21 August 2020 - 21 September 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #9

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): University Research

Country(s): Thailand

The Canadian government announced a CAD$173 million investment to secure 76 million doses of Medicago’s COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been shown to induce an immune response in early human trials

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): Government

Country(s): Canada

PMI (one third owner of Medicago) used the announcement for promotional purposes via their website, where PMI CEO André Calantzopoulos said: “We welcome the collaboration announced between two departments of the Canadian government and Medicago to accelerate its efforts against COVID-19.”

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

PMI’s involvement in the vaccine was reported widely, including in Romania, Nigeria, Malaysia, Switzerland and Indonesia

Monitoring Period: 27 October 2020 - 24 November 2020

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #11

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

PMI’s CEO Calantzopoulos was part of an AmericanHellenic Chamber of Commerce roundtable discussion on the COVID-19 vaccine alongside the Greek Prime Minister, Pfizer CEO and Deloitte CEO

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Greece and USA

PMI and the Government of Canada are collaborating on vaccine development. The Canadian government has stated it is investing US$130million in the Medicago vaccine (PMI owns one third of Medicago)

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

BAT’s COVID vaccine candidate has got U.S. approval for human trials. The COVID-19 vaccine is being developed by the company’s biotech arm Kentucky BioProcessing

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): USA

State Officials from the U.S. state of New Jersey say smokers should be a priority to receive the COVID vaccine

Monitoring Period: 25 November 2020 - 25 January 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #12

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): State Officials

Country(s): USA

French pro-tobacco website published an article stating the Spanish Ministry of Health has concluded an agreement with Logista for the distribution of the COVID vaccine to Spain's autonomous communities. Logista is a “fully consolidated subsidiary” of Imperial Brands, according to the group's most recent annual report, that delivers tobacco and non-tobacco products

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): Imperial Brands subsidiary Logista

Country(s): Spain

The chairman of the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA) in Sri Lanka has said giving a COVID vaccine to individuals who are addicted to tobacco is “not effective” as smoking impairs their immunity

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2021 - 25 March 2021

Reference: STOP COVID19 Monitoring Brief #13

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol

Country(s): Sri Lanka

Part-PMI owned Medicago launch phase 3 human trials for COVID-19 vaccine in Scotland.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: Grampian Online

Tactic(s): CSR, Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): UK

BAT subsidiary Kentucky Bioprocessing partner with South Africa government for COVID-19 vaccine manufacture.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: News 24

Tactic(s): CSR, Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

Nature review paper dicussing increased risk COVID-19 in smokers.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: Nature

Tactic(s): Academic Research

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): International

Medicago COVID-19 vaccine "under evaluation for approval in Canada".

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: Genetic Literacy Project

Tactic(s): CSR, Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

"Scientific paper that claimed smokers less likely to contract Covid retracted over tobacco industry links".

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: The Independent

Tactic(s): Academic Research

Organisation(s): FSFW

Country(s): International

"Tobacco ban at the beginning of lockdown saw [South African Revenue Service] lose R14 billion in revenue."

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: The Citizen

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): South Africa

Philip Morris PPE donations in the Philippines.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: VERA Files

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMFTC

Country(s): Philippines

Impacts of COVID-19 on US convenience store cigarette sales.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: CSP Daily News

Tactic(s): Tobacco Business

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): USA

"A Ban On Designated Smoking Areas To Combat The Spread Of COVID".

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: NewsGram

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): India

Lebanon Health minister met with Regie tobacco Director to discuss COVID-19 vaccination.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2021 - 25 May 2021

Reference: Regie Libanaise de Tabacs et Tombacs

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): Regie Tobacco

Country(s): Lebanon

"Does Nicotine Prevent COVID Transmission? France Might Begin Clinical Trials".

Monitoring Period: 26 September 2021 - 25 November 2021

Reference: Science 2.0

Tactic(s): Academic Research

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): France

As with COVID, EU must help WHO stand up to Chinese tobacco.

Monitoring Period: 26 September 2021 - 25 November 2021

Reference: Euronews

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): WHO, China National Tobacco

Country(s): EU, China

Medicago vaccine trials in Quebec sponsored by Canada government.

Monitoring Period: 26 July 2021 - 25 September 2021

Reference: Vaughan Today

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

"Did South Africa’s Covid-19 tobacco ban work?".

Monitoring Period: 26 July 2021 - 25 September 2021

Reference: News 24

Tactic(s): Regulation

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): South Africa

BAT sets up COVID-19 vaccination booths in Bangladesh, in partnerhsip with Government.

Monitoring Period: 26 July 2021 - 25 September 2021

Reference: The Business Standard

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Bangaldesh

""Nicotine, a protective agent against Covid-19"? The tobacco industry funded researchers".

Monitoring Period: 26 May 2021 - 25 July 2021

Reference: RTBF Belgium

Tactic(s): Academic Research

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): France, International

Medicago human trials taking place in Brazil.

Monitoring Period: 26 May 2021 - 25 July 2021

Reference: NEXO

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Brazil

"Philip Morris International makes £1bn offer for pharma firm Vectura".

Monitoring Period: 26 May 2021 - 25 July 2021

Reference: The Guardian

Tactic(s): Pharmaceuticalisation

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): UK

Smokers show lwoer antibody response to COVID-19 vaccine.

Monitoring Period: 26 May 2021 - 25 July 2021

Reference: New England Journal of Medicine

Tactic(s): Academic Research

Organisation(s): N/A

Country(s): Iceland

Philip Morris Korea installs outdoor smoking booths for HTP's to allow for "better circulation" in response to COVID-19.

Monitoring Period: 26 September 2021 - 25 November 2021

Reference: Korea Times

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): South Korea

PMI sponsored Medicago COVID-19 vaccine trials in Wales.

Monitoring Period: 26 November 2021 - 25 January 2022


Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Wales

"Tobacco industry 'preyed on' governments during COVID-19 — reports" .

Monitoring Period: 26 September 2021 - 25 November 2021

Reference: devex

Tactic(s): Policy Interference

Organisation(s): PMI, BAT

Country(s): International

BAT sponsored video detailing BAT Bangladesh CSR during COVID-19.

Monitoring Period: 26 September 2021 - 25 November 2021

Reference: YouTube

Tactic(s): CSR

Organisation(s): BAT

Country(s): Bangladesh

PMI sponsored Medicago vaccine to be launched in Japan.

Monitoring Period: 26 September 2021 - 25 November 2021

Reference: NikkeiAsia

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Japan

Health Canada approve Medicago's PMI funded COVIFENZ COVID-19 vaccine.

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2022 - 25 March 2022

Reference: GSK Press Release

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): Canada

"WHO rejects Medicago COVID-19 vaccine over Canadian company’s ties to tobacco industry" Medicago discusses PMI disinvesting.

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2022 - 25 March 2022

Reference: The Globe and Mail

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI

Country(s): International

In February 2022, Health Canada approved Medicago’s Covifenz for distribution. At this point PMI held a 25% stake in the company.(Philip Morris International, 2021 Q3 earnings report).

Monitoring Period: 26 January 2022 - 25 March 2022

Reference: Reuters

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI, Medicago

Country(s): Canada

WHO rejected Medicago’s request for emergency global use of its Covifenz vaccine in March 2022, due to Medicago’s ties to PMI.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2022 - 25 February 2023

Reference: CBC Canada

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI, Medicago

Country(s): Canada

Medicago’s majority shareholder, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, removed PMI as a shareholder in December 2022, following an advocacy campaign led by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Canada and Corporate Accountability.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2022 - 25 February 2023

Reference: CISION PR Newswire

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI, Medicago

Country(s): Canada

In February 2023, Mitsubishi shut down Medicago, citing a lack of commercial viability for its Covifenz vaccine.

Monitoring Period: 26 March 2022 - 25 February 2023

Reference: CBC Canada

Tactic(s): Vaccine Development

Organisation(s): PMI, Medicago

Country(s): Canada


STOP COVID-19 Tobacco Industry Monitoring Briefs

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 1, 23 April 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 2, 06 May 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 3, 20 May 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 4, 04 June 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 5, 18 June 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 6, 01 July 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 7, 16 July 2020

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 8, August 2020 – Focus on South Africa’s tobacco ban

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 9, September 2020 – Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 10, October 2020 – Focus on Tobacco Industry and a COVID-19 Vaccine

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 11, November 2020
عربى    Español    Français 

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 12, January 2021
عربى    Español    Français 

STOP COVID-19 Monitoring brief: Edition 13, March 2021
عربى    Español    Français 

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From the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control


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