Asociación Argentina de Servicios Médicos de Avanzada

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The Asociación Argentina de Servicios Médicos de Avanzada, is a healthcare services organisation based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.1 The organisation employs health professionals, including psychologists, speech therapists and nurses. It provides a range of medical services such as occupational therapy, blood banks, and fertility treatment. 1

Link to the Tobacco Industry

Funded by the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

In 2020, the Asociación Argentina de Servicios Médicos de Avanzada received funding from the  Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW), which is wholly funded by Philip Morris International. This was FSFW’s first grantee in Latin America and the Caribbean .

The organisation received $128,850 from FSFW for a project to “Garner consensus and support for the ninth session of Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (COP9) to consider harm reduction as integral to tobacco control2 It received a payment of US$11,699 for this work in 2021.3 This is one of a number of grants awarded by FSFW that focusses on influencing COP.23

Tobacco Industry Interference around COP

The tobacco industry has a history of funding interference with the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), including through its use of third party allies For more information and recent examples, see Interference around COP 9 & MOP 2 and TCRG research on Investigating Twitter Activity Around COP8.4

Argentina is one of the four countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that, as of 2021, are not signatories of the WHO FCTC.  The South American country has many tobacco control regulations in place. However, there is a high level of tobacco industry interference,  amongst the highest in the region, according to the Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020.5

Tobacco Tactics Resources


TCRG Research

L.Robertson, A. Joshi, T. Legg et al, Exploring the Twitter activity around the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Tobacco Control, Published Online First: 11 November 2020, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055889

For a comprehensive list of all TCRG publications, including research that evaluates the impact of public health policy, go to TCRG publications.



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  2. abFoundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2020 Tax Return, 17 May 2021, accessed May 2021
  3. abFoundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2021 Tax Return, 16 May 2022, accessed May 2022
  4. L. Robertson, A. Joshi, T. Legg et al, Exploring the Twitter activity around the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Tobacco Control, Published Online First: 11 November 2020, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055889
  5. Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020, Argentina, November 2020, accessed May 2021