All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping (E-Cigarettes)

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The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for E-Cigarettes was set up in November 2014.123 It closed down in November 2023.45

This Group is not related to the APPG on Smoking and Health, which was founded in 1976.6


The APPG was set up by Mark Pawsey, Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) for Rugby, who intended the APPG to “examine and scrutinise this rapidly growing e-cigarette industry exploring the benefits the devices could have for people looking to quit smoking”.1 Pawsey added:

“I believe that stricter regulation is required to ensure that all e-cigarette devices, products and liquids are safe but I do not support regulating the industry out of existence. In the last year many of my constituents have contacted me to say that without e-cigarettes they would not have been able to give up smoking so I think more work must be done in order to establish what role they can play in helping more people quit using tobacco.”1

By January 2019 the group had formally changed its name to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping,7 “to prevent confusion between cigarettes and vaping”.8 Its stated aim remained: “To explore the most appropriate parliamentary and regulatory response to e-cigarettes and to raise education and literacy amongst policy makers regarding e-cigarettes and related public policy questions.”7

Terminology used to describe e-cigarettes (also known as electronic nicotine delivery systems, or ENDS) varies. Some terms, including “vaping” have the effect of distancing these products from conventional tobacco.9 For more information, see the page on Product Terminology.

In 2019 the APPG was criticised for taking funding from the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA), which at the time had tobacco companies as members and on its board, rather than holding the industry association to account.10 As a result the former Chair of the committee for standards in public life, Sir Alistair Graham, called for a review of the rules governing APPGs “to prevent lobbyists from buying influence at the heart of Government”.10 Mark Pawsey defended the involvement of UKVIA, saying that the relationship was “transparent” and that “The MPs and Peers on the APPG shape its agenda”.10

In December 2023, Pawsey told The Times newspaper that the APPG had closed because he had other commitments, and no other members were able to take over the role of chair.4

APPG Officers

The APPG for Vaping Officers, as of July 2022, were:11

Chair: Mark Pawsey MP (Conservative). Pawsey has been a member of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee since March 2020.

Vice Chairs:

  • Mary Glindon MP (Labour).
  • Adam Afriyie MP (Conservative).
  • David Jones MP (Conservative).
  • Andrew Lewer (Conservative).
  • Mark Jenkinson (Conservative).

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

Image 1 – Screenshot of UKVIA’s website, accessed April 2019, showing tobacco industry members

Tobacco companies involved in APPG Secretariat

From November 2016 until 2020, UKVIA operated as Secretariat for the APPG.12 UKVIA’s membership is made up of small independent e-cigarette companies and the four main transnational tobacco companies: Japan Tobacco International (JTI), British American Tobacco (BAT), Philip Morris International (PMI), and Imperial Brands, which replaced its subsidiary Fontem Ventures as a member in 2019 (see image 1).13 All four were represented on the UKVIA board in 2019.14 JUUL Labs, a US-based e-cigarette company, became a member in 2019.15 Altria held a 35% share of JUUL until 2022. For further details see JUUL Labs.

Concerns were first raised in 2016 about the close relationship between the APPG and UKVIA.16 Between 2015 and 2019 the APPG declared ‘benefits in kind’ from the organisation of between £66,000 and £74,000,17 which was spent on running the APPG and its events.10

UKVIA is not listed on the UK government’s voluntary Register of Consultant Lobbyists, the UK Lobbying Register (run by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations) or the EU Transparency Register.18

As of 3 May 2019 APPG meeting minutes, which previously detailed attendance and activities, were not available.19 The APPG did not appear on the Parliamentary register between January and July 2020. From August 2020, UKVIA was no longer listed as the contact point on the Parliamentary register (see below) and its relationship with the APPG for Vaping was unclear.20 The public enquiry point for the group was then listed as Mark Pawsey’s office.21 In September 2020, UKVIA’s website stated that “The APPG is currently undertaking a review of its future direction”.22

For more information on UKVIA see our page UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA). Previously, the APPG Secretariat was run by London-based public affairs consultancy Abzed, which was paid for this role by the Electronic Cigarette Industry Trade Association (ECITA) and tobacco company JTI.1023

Attended industry events

In 2022 Afriyie attended the annual industry event the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum (GTNF) in Washington DC. GTNF paid his expenses to attend.424

He also attended and spoke at the 2023 event. Again, his expenses were paid by GTNF.24425

Mary Glindon and Andrew Lewer have also attended events organised by GTNF.2627

Other members have attended UKVIA events.

  • Three other members of the APPG accepted tobacco industry hospitality in the past. See below for details.

Provided Lobbying Platform for Industry

The APPG provided a platform within Parliament for UKVIA and its tobacco industry members.28

Promoted vaping in Parliament

In November 2017 UKVIA published the APPG’s report “State of the Vaping Nation”, which referred to “misinformation” and “mixed messages” on vaping research and regulation, and argued that vaping helps to reduce smoking rates.293031 The report was launched at a reception in Parliament3031 attended by Norman Lamb MP, chair of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology, which had announced an inquiry into e-cigarettes a month earlier.32 At the reception Lamb said he had been “horrified” at the EU’s decision to regulate vaping products.29

According to UKVIA’s e-bulletin of 31 July 2018, Mark Pawsey MP, Sir Kevin Barron MP and Adam Afriyie MP all said at an APPG meeting on 11 July 2018 that they “would support reform to the e-cigarette elements of the Tobacco Products Directive”.33 However, the meeting’s minutes only record Barron’s comments in relation to the TPD.34

Since 2010, Afriyie has been Chair of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology35(Parliament’s “source of independent, balanced and accessible analysis of public-policy issues”)36 which produced a briefing on e-cigarettes in 2016.37

The APPG minutes from July 2018 reported that Afriyie:

“welcomed some big tobacco companies’ recognition that “the end of smoking in the UK” was near, and that they should work towards replacing cigarette sales with e-cigarette and e-liquid sales. He suggested that big tobacco would not mind if taxes on cigarettes continued to increase, as long as they could be sure that they could safely invest in a less hostile vaping market.”34

According to the UKVIA website, an APPG meeting was scheduled for 11 September 2018 to discuss “the UK’s preparations for COP8”38 – the 2018 meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the governing body of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) – though no minutes are available. Later that month, UKVIA released a statement urging the WHO to reverse vaping bans, and regulate e-cigarettes separately from “traditional combustible tobacco products”.394041

A second report by the APPG on “Vaping in Workplaces and Public Places” was launched in November 2018,1042 recommending that employers should allow vaping in the workplace. It also proposed that the Houses of Parliament should become “vape friendly” as an “example”.4243 The work for this report appears to have been planned at a meeting of the APPG held the previous December, attended by Andrew Allison, head of campaigns at The Freedom Association; Martin Cullip, a pro-tobacco blogger; and MPs, including Ian Paisley Jr MP.44 At this meeting Afriyie challenged the precautionary principle in relation to vaping, saying: “how in this case it could cost lives as the harms of smoking where [sic] already known”.45

In June 2021, in a parliamentary debate on the UK Tobacco Control Plan, Afriyie stated that:

“The industry in the UK seems to be aligned with the Government’s objectives on reducing smoking, as Philip Morris, British American Tobacco and many of the other firms recognise that this is the end of the game—it is the end of smoking in the United Kingdom, even if that might not be the case in certain far eastern countries, in Africa or elsewhere.”46

Afriyie became a Vice Chair of the APPG in December 2021, replacing Viscount Ridley.4748

Potential conflict of interest

In March 2022 Afriyie stated that the tobacco industry was “potentially aligned with UK policy and we should certainly take advantage of that.”49 In the same debate, he referred to a report shared with him by UK think tank Demos on the future regulation of e-cigarettes, but did not say that this had been funded by e-cigarette company JUUL (then part owned by Altria).4950

In December 2022, Afriyie declared that he had been chair of the advisory board of Elite Growth, a medical cannabis firm which has also sold single use (disposable) e-cigarettes, since October 2021.51 In 2023, the i newspaper revealed that Afriyie’s wife owned shares in the company.2452 According to the MPs’ register of interests, as of 2023, Afriyie’s role as chair of Elite Growth remains unpaid.53

Allowed BAT to launch scheme in Parliament

In February 2019 trade magazines Talking Retail and The Grocer reported that BAT used an APPG meeting to promote their age verification scheme called “BAT Verify” and announce a “whistleblowing hotline” to report retailers selling e-cigarettes to under-18s. BAT reportedly had also used the meeting as an opportunity to suggest that the Department of Health should engage more with the industry.5455

Opposed “sin tax” on e-cigarettes

In August 2018, Mary Glindon argued against introducing a ‘sin tax’ on e-cigarettes.5657

Campaigned for e-cigarette stores to be reclassified as “essential” during the Covid pandemic

In January 2021, Pawsey echoed calls from UKVIA that e-cigarette stores should remain open during lockdown. He argued: “vape retailers do not just provide the tools for harm-reduction, but also the expert advice and support which empowers consumers to make a positive change.”58

Set Up COP Inquiry Website

In late 2020, the APPG created a website called

The website stated that:

“The purpose of this APPG for Vaping Inquiry is to collect evidence and issue a report on the FCTC’s Conference of Parties 9.”

The website listed five objectives,60 and stated that the APPG would hold two evidence sessions.61 It invited submissions from a range of stakeholders, including the tobacco industry, by 1 February 2021,61 stating:

“We will still carefully consider all consultation responses from the tobacco industry and from those with links to the tobacco industry and include them in the published summary of consultation responses.”61

As of March 2020, submissions from the following organisations were among those available on the website:62

Japan Tobacco International | JUUL Labs | UKVIA | International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO) | Adam Smith Institute | Christopher Snowden, Institute of Economic Affairs | Reason Foundation

The Federation of Philippine Industries, which has tobacco company members including PMI and JTI, made a submission.6263 There was also a submission from the Northern Luzon Alliance which stated that it was a “group of forty-eight (48) lawmakers from the tobacco growing provinces in the Philippines”.62 This group has previously opposed tobacco control measures in the country.6465

The consultation report acknowledged oral contributions to the evidence sessions by Members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, in addition to number from individuals and organisations. These oral contributions included submissions from the tobacco industry-linked Martin Cullip, John Dunne of UKVIA, Daniel Pryor of Adam Smith Institute, and Gerry Stimson of Knowledge-Action-Change (KAC).66

The consultation report accused the WHO of undermining a policy proven to help people stop smoking, by refusing to acknowledge that vaping is safer than smoking. The report listed a number of recommendations and stated that:

If the upcoming FCTC COP9 advocates for a position on vaping and reduced risk products which is contrary to domestic UK policy, the UK should consider its options in relation to future funding.66

It also recommended the UK be required to include proponents of harm reduction in its delegation to COP 9, and to encourage other member states to include tobacco harm reduction public health experts in their national COP delegations.66

In 2022 Pawsey referred to submissions citing the “over regulation” of e-cigarettes, but did not say whether any came from tobacco companies or their allies.67

Inquiry into UK Tobacco Harm Reduction

The APPG for Vaping published a report on ‘UK Tobacco Harm Reduction Opportunities Post-Brexit’, in July 2021. The report stated that in its call for evidence the APPG welcomed submissions from industry. After referring to Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC, which states that public health policy making must be protected from the commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry, the report went on to say that it is “evident that industry players need to be part of the solution to this problem and challenges we face in striving to reach our Smoke-Free 2030 ambitions”. The inquiry received submissions from British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris International, Swedish Match, JUUL Labs and UKVIA.68

The report called on the UK government to “diverge from, and improve on, the transposed EU regulations” and advocated for nicotine pouches, heated tobacco products and snus to be used as smoking cessation tools. It also recommended that nicotine levels in e-liquids should be increased, limits on bottle and tank size should be removed and rules regarding non-combustible tobacco advertising should be relaxed.68

  • For details on how the tobacco industry uses the concept of harm reduction to further its commercial interests, see the page on Harm Reduction.

APPG Members Lobbying for Other Products

In March 2021, David Jones argued in a Westminster Hall debate that the ban on snus should be lifted in the UK and that it should be used as a smoking cessation tool.69 In January 2022, Pawsey argued in the media that the UK government should consider enabling the use of snus and “heat-not-burn non-combustible devices” (heated tobacco products) to “help smokers quit tobacco”.67

In March 2022, Afriyie stated in parliament that the UK government should work more closely with the tobacco industry.70 In an article in The House, published the next day, he argued for a “multi-category approach” including “heat-not-burn” products and nicotine pouches.71 In the parliamentary debate Afriyie also referred to snus, which is banned in the UK and EU outside of Sweden.70 He previously supported lobbying by Swedish Match, organised by Abzed, to legalise snus in the UK.7273 For further details see Swedish Match.

Members Took Hospitality from Japan Tobacco International

Three members of the APPG have accepted tobacco industry hospitality in the past.

Mark Pawsey MP, Chair of the APPG, attended a Rugby World Cup match in September 2015, courtesy of JTI UK (owner of e-cigarette brand E-lites). A few months later he praised e-cigarettes in Parliament.7475 Whilst JTI’s hospitality, worth £1,650, was declared in the Register of Member’s Interests,76 it was not declared to the House of Commons ahead of Pawsey’s pro-e-cigarette comments.76

Glyn Davies MP, prior to his membership of the APPG, accepted Chelsea Flower Show tickets worth £1,404 from JTI in May 2014.77

Stephen Metcalfe MP (the APPG’s Treasurer in 2017) received hospitality from JTI in 2011. He too accepted tickets and hospitality to the Chelsea Flower Show, at the time worth £1,132.80.78 Metcalfe left the APPG in 2017 and joined the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee, which submitted a “controversial” report on e-cigarettes to the government in August 2018.29798081

Our page on Tobacco Industry Hospitality for UK Politicians lists other MPs who have also taken gifts and hospitality provided by tobacco companies.

Pawsey, Davies and Metcalfe voted against the introduction of tobacco plain packaging legislation in 2015.82

TobaccoTactics Resources

Another APPG with tobacco industry links: All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on illicit trade

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  1. abcM. Pawsey, Mark sets up new group in Parliament to support e-cigarette users, 28 November 2014, accessed October 2017
  2. M. Pawsey, All-Party Parliamentary Groups,, undated, accessed March 2019
  3. UK Parliament, Profile of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for E-Cigarettes, Register Of All-Party Groups: E-cigarettes, 30 July 2015, accessed March 2015
  4. abcdB. Kenber, Tobacco giants linked to attacks on World Health Organisation, The Times, 15 December 2023, accessed December 2023 (paywall)
  5. Parallel Parliament, Vaping APPG, website, accessed December 2023
  6. Action on Smoking and Health, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking & Health, undated, accessed October 2017
  7. abUK Parliament, Register Of All-Party Groups: Vaping All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping profile page, 2 January 2019, accessed March 2019
  8. All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2018, 17 October 2018
  9. A. Hancock, Big Tobacco seeks to recast with tech-focused workforce, Financial Times, 19 June 2019, accessed October 2019 (paywall)
  10. abcdefC. Turner, Calls for lobbyists to be banned from running influential Westminster committees, The Telegraph, 5 March 2019, accessed March 2019
  11. UK Parliament, Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups, July 2022, accessed July 2022
  12. UK Parliament, Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups (as at 28 November 2016): E-Cigarettes, UK Parliament website, 28 September 2017, accessed October 2017
  13. UK Vaping Industry Association, All Members, website, undated, accessed February 2021
  14. UK Vaping Industry Association, Who we are, UKVIA website, undated, accessed April 2019
  15. UK Vaping Industry Association, Vaping Giant JUUL joins the UK Vaping Industry Association, UKVIA website, 12 March 2019, accessed April 2019
  16. P. Blackburn, British Medical Association, An unhealthy interest in e-cigarettes?, BMA website: News, 30 November 2016, accessed April 2019
  17. UK Parliament, Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups (November 2016 to March 2019), UK Parliament website, accessed May 2019
  18. All registers checked  February 2021, and July 2022
  19. UK Vaping Industry Association, Email reply to Tobacco Tactics editor 3 May 2019 11:38, subject: RE: Re: APPG for Vaping – missing minutes
  20. UK Parliament, Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups [as at 7 August 2020]: Vaping, accessed October 2020
  21. UK Parliament, Profile of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Register Of All-Party Groups: Vaping, 7 August 2010, accessed October 2020
  22. UK Vaping Industry Association, The Politics of Vaping, archived 18 September 2020, accessed October 2020
  23. UK Parliament, Register of All-Party Groups (as at 30 March 2015): E Cigarettes, archived UK Parliament website, 30 March 2015, accessed October 2017
  24. abcR. Alebshehy, T. Gatehouse, K. Silver et al, 2023 UK Tobacco Industry Interference Index, Tobacco Control Research Group, University of Bath, November 2023
  25. UK Government, Adam Afriyie, Register of Interests, undated, accessed December 2023
  26. FEELM Commends UK Vapor Outlook During GTNF Event, Vapour Voice, 26 April 2023, accessed January 2024
  27. UK Vaping Industry Association, The Politics of Vaping, UKVIA website, accessed March 2019
  28. abc
  29. abThe All-Party Parliamentary Group for E- Cigarettes, The State of the Vaping Nation, September 2017, report, available from UKVIA website
  30. abJBP, JBP client UKVIA supports All-Party Parliamentary Group for E-Cigarettes report launch in the House of Commons , JBP website, 22 November 2017, accessed March 2019
  31. House of Commons, Science and Technology Select Committee E-cigarettes inquiry, UK Parliament website, 2018, accessed March 2019
  32. UK Vaping Industry Association, Parliamentarians agree vaping regulation ripe for change, UKVIA website, 31 July 2018, accessed April 2019
  33. abAll-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Minutes of APPG Meeting, 11 July 2018
  34. UK Parliament, Adam Afriyie MP, undated, accessed May 2019
  35. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) POST website, accessed May 2019
  36. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Electronic Cigarettes, Research Briefing, 9 August 2016
  37. UKVIA, Political Events, UKVIA website, undated, accessed April 2019
  38. UK Vaping Industry Association, Memorandum of understanding between global vaping trade associations and campaigners, Press Release, 8 October 2019, accessed May 2019
  39. Memorandum of understanding between global vaping trade associations and campaigners, UK Vaping Industry Association website, undated, accessed April 2019
  40. L. Ashworth, Industry groups call on World Health Organisation to change stance on vaping, City AM, 26 September 2018, accessed April 2019
  41. abAll-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Vaping in Workplaces and Public Places, UKVIA website, November 2018, accessed April 2019
  42. UK Vaping Industry Association, MPS Urge Employers to Make Workplaces More Vape-Friendly, UKVIA press release, accompanying APPG report, 20 November 2018, accessed April 2019
  43. UK Vaping Industry Association, Vaping UK – Issue 6, UKVIA website, 13 December 2017, accessed April 2019
  44. All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Minutes of APPG Meeting, 14 March 2018
  45. UK Parliament, Tobacco Control Plan, Hansard Volume 696: debated on Thursday 10 June 2021, accessed December 2023
  46. UK Parliament, Register Of All-Party Groups: Vaping APPG for Vaping profile page, 29 December 2021, accessed March 2022
  47. UK Parliament, Register Of All-Party Groups: Vaping APPG for Vaping profile page, 17 November 2021, accessed March 2022
  48. abUK Parliament, Smoke-free England, Hansard Volume 711: debated on Tuesday 29 March 2022, accessed December 2023
  49. P. Mackenzie, Regulating the Future of Vaping, DEMOS, 2022
  50. UK Government, Adam Afriyie, Register of Interests, archived 30 November 2022, accessed December 2023
  51. P. Wood, Tory MP Adam Afriyie who repeatedly promoted vaping didn’t declare wife’s shares in vape retailer, i news, 12 May 2023, accessed December 2023
  52. UK Government, Adam Afriyie, Register of Interests, accessed December 2023
  53. L. Wells, British American Tobacco tackles youth vaping, Talking Retail, 26 February 2019, accessed March 2019
  54. D. Selwood, BAT launches scheme to help prevent young people vaping, The Grocer, 27 February 2019, accessed April 2019
  55. UK Vaping Industry Association, Taxing vaping would be like extending sugar tax on sugar free squash, archived 31 July 2022, August 2018, accessed July 2022
  56. M. Glindon, Taxing vaping would be like extending the sugar tax to sugar-free squash, City A.M., 8 August 2018, accessed July 2022
  57. UK Industry Vaping Association, MP backs special status for vape stores as trade association calls for Government action, archived 23 January 2021, undated, accessed July 2022
  58. All Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, COP INQUIRY, website homepage, archived 27 November 2020, accessed February 2020
  59. All Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Five key objectives, website, archived 27 January 2021, accessed February 2020
  60. abcAll Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, How you can help, website, archived 1 February 2021, accessed February 2020
  61. abcAPPG for Vaping (E-Cigarettes), COP Enquiry website: Submissions, undated, accessed March 2021
  62. Federation of Philippine Industries, List of all Corporation Member Companies, website, undated, accessed March 2021
  63. Action for Economic Reforms, Railroaded Cigarette Tax Bill Slammed, press release, 8 December 2016, accessed March 2020
  64. R. Ceu, House bloc to Senate: Consider plight of Northern Luzon tobacco growers, Business Mirror, 18 October 2018, accessed March 2021
  65. abcAll Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, Inquiry into the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Conference of the Parties 9: A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping Inquiry (COP9), March 2021, accessed April 2021
  66. abM. Pawsey, Ministers should make it easier to give up smoking, blasts MARK PAWSEY MP, Express, 9 January 2022, accessed March 2022
  67. abAPPG for Vaping, Inquiry into UK Tobacco Harm Reduction Opportunities Post-Brexit: Achieving a Smoke Free 2030 Report, archived 30 July 2022, July 2021, accessed July 2022
  68. Hansard, Smoke-free Society by 2030, March 2021, accessed July 2022
  69. abUK Parliament, Smoke-free England, debate transcript, Hansard, 29 March 2022, accessed March 2022
  70. A. Afriyie, Our scatter-gun approach to be smoke-free by 2030 is failing, The House, 30 March 2022, accessed March 2022
  71. Legalising snus in the UK, posted by [email protected],, 14 December 2021, accessed March 2022
  72. Campaign to legalise Snus in the UK – we need your help!, posted by [email protected],, 14 December 2021, accessed March 2022
  73. Hansard, House of Commons: Oral Answers to Questions, 16 December 2015, accessed March 2019
  74. M. Smith, Tory MP heaps praise on e-cigarettes after vaping firm treats him to £1,600 trip to Rugby World Cup, Mirror, 16 December 2015, accessed October 2017
  75. abM. Pawsey, Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK Sources, House of Commons Register of Members’ Financial Interests, 14 October 2015, accessed October 2017
  76. House of Commons Publications, Register of Members’ Financial Interests, 9 February 2015 report , 9 February 2015, accessed October 2017
  77. House of Commons Publications, Register of Members’ Financial Interests – 13 December 2011 report, accessed October 2017
  78. House of Commons, E-Cigarettes Inquiry, Science and Technology Committee web page, accessed April 2019
  79. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, E-cigarettes, Seventh Report of Session 2017-19, Report of Session, 16 July 2018
  80. UK Vaping Industry Association, MPs back vaping’s potential to radically reduce smoking in the UK, UKVIA website, 17 August 2018, accessed April 2019
  81. The Public Whip, Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations 2015- 11 Mar 2015 at 17:53, undated, accessed October 2017