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A product of the
Illicit Tobacco Trade
Illicit Tobacco Trade
Tobacco Smuggling
Track and Trace
Alan Zimmerman
All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on illicit trade
Alliance of Australian Retailers
American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
Anti-Counterfeiting Group
Arguments and Language
Association of Convenience Stores
Australia: Campaigning Websites
Australia: Funding Think Tanks and Hiring Independent Experts
Australia: Smuggling and Illicit Trade Threats
Axel Gietz
BAT Funded Lobbying Against Plain Packaging
BAT Involvement in Tobacco Smuggling
BXL Consulting
British American Tobacco
British American Tobacco vs the Government of Namibia
British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium
Byron Davies
China National Tobacco Corporation
Coalition Against Illicit Trade (CAIT)
Countering Industry Arguments Against Plain Packaging: It will Lead to Increased Smuggling
Countering Industry Arguments against Plain Packaging
Craig Mackinlay
Crime Stoppers International
Dave Atherton
Digital Coding & Tracking Association (DCTA)
Ewan Duncan
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry
Flavoured and Menthol Tobacco
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Francesco Calderoni
Gallaher Versus its Cypriot Distributor
Gareth Davis
Gerry Sutcliffe
Giovanni Kessler
Herman Cheung
Ian Paisley
Imperial Brands
Imperial Tobacco Canada: Involvement in Cigarette Smuggling
Imperial and Gallaher Involvement in Tobacco Smuggling
India Country Profile
Industry Arguments Against Plain Packaging
International Chamber of Commerce
International Tax and Investment Center
International Tax and Investment Center – A History of Tobacco Industry Facilitation
International Trademark Association
JTI Involvement in Smuggling
Jack Bowles
Japan Tobacco International
John Luik
Kangaroo Group
Kenneth Clarke
Kenya- BAT’s Tactics to Influence Track and Trace Tender
Kenya- BAT’s Tactics to Undermine the Tobacco Control Regulations
Lebanon Country Profile
Letter to the Editor
List of Successful PMI IMPACT Applicants
Luc Jobin
Meridian International
Michel Poirier
National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco
New Gallaher Documents Reveal Extent of Smuggling Activities
Nigel Evans
Ocean Traders
Organisations linked to PMI IMPACT
Oxford Economics
PA Consulting Group
PMI’s Anti-PP Media Campaign
PMI’s “Illicit Trade” Anti-Plain Packaging Campaign
Paul Bourassa
Peggy Chaudhry
Peter Sheridan
Philip Morris’ Regulatory Litigation Action Plan Against the Display Ban
Plain Packaging: Have Illicit Levels Risen in Australia?
Price and Tax
Priti Patel
Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
Retailers Against Smuggling
Ricardo Oberlander
Roland Kostantos
Ronald van Tuijl
Roy Morgan Research
Roy Ramm
Scotland Plain Packaging: Scaremongering over Illicit Tobacco
Stephen Hepburn
TPD: Tobacco Control Measures
The BAT Files: How British American Tobacco Bought Influence in Africa
The Common Sense Alliance
The Freedom Association
The Plain Pack Group
Tim Evans
Tobacco Control Research Group: Evidence on Plain Packaging
Tobacco Industry Arguments Against Taxation
Tobacco Industry Interference with Endgame Policies
Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association
Tobacco Retailers’ Alliance
Tobacco Smuggling in Ukraine
Tobacco Smuggling in the UK
Tobacco Workers’ Alliance
TransAtlantic Business Dialogue
UK Politicians Hosting Tobacco Event at Parliament
US-ASEAN Business Council
Viet Nam Country Profile
Will O’Reilly
Yusuf Abramjee