Neil Sherwood

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Neil Sherwood worked for Japan Tobacco International (JTI) from 2001 to 2015.1
From 2006 Sherwood was the team leader of the company’s Smoking and Health Group in Scientific and Regulatory Affairs.23 The remit of this Group covered regulatory science for conventional tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes) and Next Generation Products (NGPs) like e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products.
In 2015 Sherwood left the company and subsequently established his own Geneva-based consultancy, Neil Sherwood Consulting, to support businesses by ‘’addressing, managing and resolving scientific issues regarding product use and consumer health.’’1


Before joining JTI, Sherwood held academic positions at two English universities:

  • 1995-1997: Senior Research Fellow, Psychology (Psychopharmacology) Department, University of Reading.45
  • 1990-1995: Research Fellow, Psychopharmacology Department, University of Surrey.167


Sherwood has been an independent member of tobacco industry association CORESTA since April 2016.1
CORESTA stands for Corporation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco.8
Sherwood presented his work at several CORESTA meetings, including:

  • ‘’Non-addictive factors in the use of tobacco and nicotine-containing consumer products’’, CORESTA Congress 20189
  • ‘’Compulsive Tobacco Use – An Alternative Hypothesis’’, CORESTA SSPT 201710
  • “‘Addictiveness’ – Measures and Methods”, CORESTA Congress 201611
  • ‘’Pharmacokinetics of nicotine following single controlled use of a new type of tobacco: heated tobacco product’’ (talk with L. Giles, D. Yuki, D. W. Graff, & K. Newland), CORESTA Congress 201612
  • ‘’The ‘Attractiveness’ and ‘Addictiveness’ of Ingredients Added to Tobacco Products’’, CORESTA Congress 201013
  • ‘’The Human Psychopharmacology of Nicotine’’, CORESTA SSPT 200314

Responded to EU Consultation on Additives

In 2010, as part of the review of the EU Tobacco Products Directive, the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) was asked to evaluate the “role of tobacco additives in the addictiveness and attractiveness of tobacco products”.1516
On behalf of JTI, Sherwood submitted a response which criticised the definition of the term ‘addictiveness’ and argued that this rendered the pre-consultation findings problematic.17 He also claimed that people can stop smoking if they are determined to do so, and that “based upon available scientific evidence, our view is that tobacco products with added ingredients are no more difficult to quit than those that do not contain added ingredients.”17

Affiliated with Lauterbach & Associates

Since 2016, Sherwood has worked with Lauterbach & Associates to help tobacco and e-cigarette manufacturers in the United States gain product approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).2
Lauterbach & Associates, also a CORESTA member, was founded in 2004 and its mission is to provide scientific and regulatory affairs services to the tobacco industry and its suppliers.1819
In December 2016 John Lauterbach stated that Sherwood was “a key resource for our clients in dealing with very recent FDA attacks against the manufacturers of filtered cigars’’.2

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  1. abcdN. Sherwood, LinkedIn Profile, undated, accessed October 2018
  2. abcTobacco Reporter, Lauterbach and Sherwood join forces, 15 December 2016, accessed October 2018
  3. I. Hindmarch, J. Kerr, N. Sherwood, The Human Psychopharmacology of Nicotine, unknown, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 570261855-570261979, accessed November 2018
  4. G. Mancuso, D.M. Warburton, M. Mélen, et al, Selective effects of nicotine on attentional processes, SpringerLink, September 1999, accessed November 2018
  5. R. R. Baker, CORESTA Committee on Smoking Behaviour – Writing Sub Group, 10 April 1997, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 520002062-520002069, accessed November 2018
  6. E.A. Smith, ‘It’s interesting how few people die from smoking’: Tobacco industry efforts to minimize risk and discredit health promotion, 12 July 2006, accessed November 2018
  7. TCRC, Cognitive and Psychomotor Effects of Nicotine and Cigarette Smoking, 26 May 1994, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 512042859, accessed November 2018
  8. Coresta, Work Process, undated, accessed November 2018
  9. CORESTA Congress, Abstracts, 2018, accessed November 2018
  10. N. Sherwood, Compulsive tobacco use – an alternative hypothesis. 2017, accessed November 2018
  11. N. Sherwood, ‘’Addictiveness’’ – Measures and Methods, CORESTA Congress, 2016, accessed November 2018
  12. L. Giles, D. Yuki, N. Sherwood, et al, Pharmacokinetics of nicotine following single controlled use of a new type of tobacco: heated tobacco product,, 2016, accessed November 2018
  13. N. Sherwood, The ‘’Attractiveness’’ and ‘’Addictiveness’’ of Ingredients Added to Tobacco Products, CORESTA Congress, 2010, accessed November 2018
  14. N. Sherwood, The Human Psychopharmacology of Nicotine, CORESTA SSPT, 2003, accessed November 2018
  15. European Commission, pre-consultation opinion on Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), undated, accessed November 2018
  16. SCENIHR, Addictiveness and Attractiveness of Tobacco Additives, 6 July 2010, accessed November 2018
  17. abJapan Tobacco International, Consultation Response Form, 3 September 2010, accessed October 2018
  18. Lauterbach & Associates, LLC, Home page, undated, accessed November 2018
  19. Lauterbach & Associates, About Us, undated, accessed November 2018