National Center for Public Policy Research

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The National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) based in Washington D.C. is an American conservative think tank which believes that the principles of free trade, individual liberty and personal responsibility are the solutions to today’s “public policy problems”.1

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

Image 1: Except from 28 September 1999 Philip Morris News Summary About Supportive Opinion Editorial by Amy Ridenour, NCPPR President2

Internal Philip Morris documents described the NCPPR as one of the tobacco company’s “national allies”,3 whose focus is on “alerting the public to the dangers of big government in environmental, health care and other issues”.4

Part-Funded by Tobacco Companies

In 2016, Altria declared that it had given a ‘charitable contribution’ to the NCPPR.5 The size of the contribution was not disclosed.
In August 2011, NCPPR’s senior fellow Jeff Stier disclosed to the The Guardian that NCPPR received “less than 1% of its revenue” from corporate sources, including tobacco companies.6
In 1997 it received US$25,000 from Philip Morris to support the think tank’s online strategy for promoting a de-regulation agenda.7

Mobilised by Philip Morris to Attack Government Action Against Tobacco Company

Internal tobacco industry documents show that Philip Morris mobilised NCPPR support (which the tobacco company referred to as ‘activated’) to oppose a 1999 Federal lawsuit against Philip Morris, with the think tank supporting the tobacco company through policy papers, its website, and talk shows (see image 1).28910

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  1. National Centre for Public Policy Research , Mission, 2017, accessed January 2018
  2. abunknown, News Summary, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 531681380-531681387, 28 September 1999, accessed January 2018
  3. Unknown, national Allies, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 2077285645-2077285646, February 2000, accessed January 2018
  4. Unknown, Client assessment, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 2073811063-207381119, November 1994, accessed January 2018
  5. Altria, 2016 Recipients of Charitable Contributions from the Altria Family of Companies, 2016, accessed January 2018
  6. J. Stier, Do snus and e-cigarettes need a health warning? The Guardian, 18 August 2011, accessed January 2018
  7. A. Ridenour, Letter to Mr Frank Gomez, Director of Public Programs Philip Morris Companies Inc, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 2077448763-2077448766, 26 June 1998, January 2018
  8. R. Marden, FW: Lawsuit Actions, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 2078211572, 13 February 2002, accessed January 2018
  9. F. Gomez, Lawsuit actions, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 2078211572A, 13 February 2002, accessed January 2018
  10. R. Marden, Fedsuit Actions/ Marden, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Bates no: 2078211574A-2078211575, 26 October 1999, accessed January 2018