JHM-Pesquisa e Consultoria em Segurança

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JHM Pesquisa e Consultoria em Seguranca is a Brazilian consulting firm, focused on illegal trade and international crimes in South America, especially around the tri-border between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.

Links to the tobacco industry

JHM received PMI Impact funding in September 2017 for a project to analyse illegal trade and related crimes in South America.1
JHM has an initiative called Census of Illicit Markets, described as “seeking to develop a digital portal for microdata of crimes related to the Illicit Economy. Its main goals are aggregating criminal data relating to illicit markets; gathering and merging criminal data from different sources”. Within the launch of this initiative in November 2019, JHM invited to speak at a panel discussion The Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade TRACIT, on illicit tobacco trade. TRACIT is closely aligned with the tobacco industry. 2

Tobacco Tactics Resources

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  1. PMI Impact, Grantees 2017/2018, 2017, accessed January 2020
  2. TRACIT, Tracit events, 5 November 2019, accessed January 2020