Jed E. Rose

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Rose is director of the Center for Smoking Cessation Research (CSCR), founded in 2004 as the Center for Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Research (CSNCR),1 at Duke University, an institution with a long history of tobacco money (for more detail see Duke University and the Tobacco Industry). He is also the President and CEO of the Rose Research Center, LLC, a private research facility also located in North Carolina, USA. Rose is the co-inventor of the nicotine patch, and a nicotine aerosol technology. Both centres, his research and career are closely interlinked with the tobacco industry, more specifically Philip Morris2 and the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW).

Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Rose is linked to two projects connected with FSFW, which is wholly funded by Philip Morris International (PMI). The Rose Research Center has received funding directly from the Foundation and is one of the Foundation’s most highly funded grantees. . In 2019, the Center received US$4,762,663, with US$20,588,874 approved for future payment.3  In 2020, the Rose Center received  US$5,951,921 for running a “Translational Research Center” to evaluate cessation and harm reduction strategies and to examine approaches to harm reduction in smoking for people with serious behavioural health disorders. Both projects funded by the FSFW in 2020 are estimated to conclude in 20224. In 2021 the project received a further US$4,550,858 from FSFW,5 followed by a further US$3,430,166 in 2022.6

Jed E. Rose is also on the Science Advisory Board of Embera Neurotherapeutics, Inc., another FSFW grantee.7 For more information on this, and the other grantees, see Tobacco Tactics’ FSFW grantees page.

Rose has also been a guest on the podcast of Derek Yach, President of FSFW.8

University Funding in Exchange for Tobacco PR

The CSCR was established with a multimillion-dollar gift from Philip Morris (Philip Morris USA from 2008,). According to the letter of agreement between Philip Morris and Duke, the tobacco company agreed to provide an initial award of US$15 million to set up the centre in 2004, agreeing to pay US$5 million annually for the first three years.9 In October 2006, PM extended the grant for an additional US$15 million over the three-year period of June 2007 – May 2010.10 In 2012, an updated version of the company’s website says the total of grants was US$37 million by June 2012.11 This webpage mentions QuitAssist as Altria’s support for people who have decided to quit.

The agreement stipulated that one of the centre’s academic scientists was to become a formal part of Philip Morris’ public relations efforts. So, in return for the funding, Rose accepted a seat on the Advisory Board of the company’s “smoker cessation support initiative,” QuitAssist®.12 The other three original members of the board were Jonathan Bloomberg, M.D. from University of Illinois College of Medicine, Rafael Art. Javier, Ph.D., ABPP from St. John’s University and Robert L. Sokolove, Ph.D. from Boston University School of Medicine. In the second half of 2011, two more members joined: Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers, Ph.D., Rutgers University, and Cheryl K. Olson, Sc.D., health behaviour researcher and consultant from Reston, VA.13

Phillip Morris also patented an aerosol to dispatch nicotine, based on research by Rose. He first patented a similar device back in 1987 and again in 1994.14

Apart from the scientific discussions about whether or not these solutions work, these moves signal a trend of tobacco companies safeguarding the market of any product related to nicotine. See discussions on Harm Reduction, and, again the page on Duke University and the Tobacco Industry.

Ran Clinical Trials for Juul Labs

In 2018, the Rose Research Center was the collaborate on a clinical trial to characterise the “puff topography” of Juul’s 5% electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) in adult smokers.15 Rose is listed as the principle investigator.

Speaker at Tobacco Industry Event

In 2014 and 2015, Rose was a speaker at the Global Tobacco Networking Forum, an annual tobacco industry event that was rebranded in 2015 to the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum.1617

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Tobacco Tactics Resources

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  1. Center for Smoking Cessation Research Established at Duke,, 18 June 2004, updated 20 January 2016, accessed June 2020
  2. Dr Jed Rose Biography, Rose Research Center website, undated, accessed May 2020
  3. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2019 Tax Return, 17 May 2020, accessed May 2020
  4. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, 990-PF Tax Return 2020, May 2021, accessed May 2021
  5. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2021 Tax Return, 16 May 2022, accessed May 2022
  6. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2022 Tax Return, 15 May 2023, accessed May 2023
  7. Science Advisory Board, Embera NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. website, undated, accessed May 2020
  8. Jed Rose, Global Health Perspectives podcast, 30 May 2020
  9. H.A. Willard, Letter to H. Gilbert Smith, PhD, 1 June 2004, accessed June 2020
  10. Phillip Morris USA, Supporting Cessation – Grants, PM USA website, undated, archived August 2010, accessed May 2012
  11. Phillip Morris USA, Supporting Cessation – Grants, PM USA website, undated, archived May 2012, accessed June 2020
  12. Philip Morris, About QuitAsist®, Jed E. Rose Ph. D., undated, archived April 2009, accessed June 2020
  13. QuitAssist, About Us, website, undated, accessed May 2020
  14. The first patent is in the Tobacco Documents archive: United States Patent, Rose, 29 December 1987
  15. A Study to Characterize Puff Topography with Use of JUUL 5% Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) in Adult Smokers, U.S. National Library of Medicine,, last updated 2 October 2018, accessed June 2020
  16. Global Tobacco and Networking Forum, Look who’s talking, 2014, accessed December 2017
  17. Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum, Look who’s talking, 2015, accessed December 2017