Christofer Fjellner

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Christofer Fjellner is a Swedish former Member of European Parliament (MEP) (2004-2019).

Opposition to EU Snus Ban

In 2012 The Independent newspaper reported that Fjelnner was selling snus from his European Parliament offices, despite an EU-wide ban (with the exception of Sweden).
“I kept some in my office for private use and some friends used to knock and ask if I had some to sell them,” Fjellner told The Independent. “After a while I thought it would be a fun prank to start selling it. So I bought a small refrigerator, and I started to bring more boxes back with me. Nowadays I have 10 or 15 regular customers, most of them Swedish. There is a bit of disobedience to it – consciously to break the law but be willing to take the consequences for it,” he admits.1

In 2010, Fjellner organised an online petition2 to mobilise public opposition to the EU snus sales ban, calling the ban “discriminatory” (see Picture 1).

Picture 1: Europeans for Snus petition, organised by Christofer Fjellner in late 2010 in response to the Revision of the EU Tobacco Products Directive

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

Fjellner’s diary shows two meetings in 2010 with snus manufacturer Swedish Match, including a meeting in September 2010, a month before he launched his online petition.3 (see picture 2)

Picture 2: Online monthly diary page of Swedish MEP Christofer Fjellner, showing a listed meeting with Swedish Match on 10 September 2010 titled (translated to English) “Speak with snus manufacturer Swedish Match” (screenshot taken 30 March 2012)

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  1. R. Hastings, What’s all the snus about? Swedish MEP dealing snuff in Brussels, The Independent, 22 October 2012, Accessed November 2020
  2. C. Fjellner, Petition: Europeans for snus, eusnus website [archived], accessed October 2010
  3. C. Fjellner, Kalender, [archived], accessed February 2011